the date??

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buttercup's pov.

"fine" i said and sighed. "come on!!!" he grabs my hand and we run off. when we got there i saw we were at the place we first met. "why are we here" i said. "To remind you how much I love you" he said "again I love butch" "but would butch do this bring you to the place you and him first met and tell you that he loves you even when he knows in his heart that it will probably never work out" he yelled. "Just I want to see you smile and laugh but if that's to much to ask for then tell me look me in the face and tell me that you don't love me buttercup". "Fine I like you ok I don't just like you I love you I thought you loved blossom ok so don't yell at me!!!" Then I ran off and wiped the tears from my eyes

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