chapter 3 the Explanation

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Grimhelde was cleaning my wound while the others was very Angry becuz of Lacey the Others even beel believe me but the brothers Still believe Lacey

Meanwhile with the others

I can't believe you! You girl! You hurt Our y/n because you are jelly of her I'm right? Jafar Point his staff at them

Lacey didn't do anything! Y/n is just faking it! Satan Shout at Jafar

No! she didn't we saw her that she was holding a Pocket knife! You still believe that liar! Mother gothel Said at Satan


After Grimhelde clean My wound
You and Grimhelde went to the kitchen and Saw The Villains and The demons Brothers we're Fighting

Enough! I shout at them

All of them look at me

Flower tells us the truth What happened Mother gothel said to me

Ok I'll explain meet me in the living roomI said to them

The Villains and the others sit on the Couch

Ok time to explain I said

I was Go gonna get some snacks and I spotted Lacey Holding the pocket knife I began to panic as Lacey Walk closer to me before she cut some lines on my arms she said this this what you get for stealing my boys away from me and I want all the boys I don't want you to get them When she finished saying that she got to my arm She start to cuttimg it I scream becuz of the pain I almost cry because of it I said

It's a lie you are lying Lacey said to me

Stop saying that Y/n is Lying hans said at Lacey

Is true I'm telling the truth Lacey said to them

Oh shut your Ugly mouth up! Scar Shouted at Lacey

Lacey went silent

Guys I'll go to my room because I need change I need go to the grosories I said to them

Can we come? Pain and Panic ask Me
I can come too? Iago ask
Diablo just flew and landed on. My shoulder

Sure but not Troubles understand? I said to them

Ok they said

I went to my room and Change my clothes

And this your outfit

And this your outfit

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Your hair style

Your hair style

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