Chapter 28: theft and compulsions all around

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Harry nodded and looked at Neville. "What about you, Neville? Got any plans other than spending a few days with me after Yule?"

They had decided to have Neville visit from the 27th until the 31st, meaning they would have already completed the ritual for the start of Tom's return.

"Gran never attends the ball so I doubt I'll be there. Other than Yule and seeing you, I've not got a lot on."

Eventually the group settled in for the long journey back to London, Harry lulled into a doze by their peaceful chatter.


23rd December 1992, Dumbledore's office, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Albus Dumbledore wasn't one to panic. No, he planned, manipulated, and succeeded. He did not panic; however, he would admit that he was... concerned. The fool Lockhart had vanished, but how? Albus didn't know, but he needed to find him and quickly. The aurors lead by Bones would be here for him soon and Lockhart was gone. He couldn't understand how! The man couldn't spell his way out of a locked room, let alone a fully warded ancient castle, yet every spell Albus tried was coming up empty.

Gilderoy Lockhart was no longer in Hogwarts.

The news would have initially caused him great relief if it hadn't been for Sirius Black and Lucius Malfoy getting involved and forcing his hand. Now the wards were up and if Lockhart was caught, he would be ruined. He needed to find him fast and get rid of him; he knew far too much and he would bet his beard the fraud would sell out every secret he knew if it meant reducing his own sentence.

How he was managing to hide from him Albus didn't know, but he was not impressed.

After another failed attempt, Albus let out a groan of frustration, barely containing his fury.

"Having performance issues, Albie?"

Twirling around with his wand in hand, Albus looked for the intruder before his eyes narrowed on the now-shaking portrait of Phineas Nigellus Black. The old man was smirking, his grey eyes holding an almost malicious glint as he watched the headmaster plot and fail.

"I thought I had silenced you, Black."

The portrait smirked. "It's okay, dear Dumbledore, many gentlemen of a certain age are the same."

Narrowing his eyes, Albus let out a roar of fury, "Silence. I will not be mocked! I am the great Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, the defeater of the Dark Lord Grindelwald—"

"Oh, shut it," another portrait grumbled, cutting off Dumbledore's rant.

"Yes, we've heard it all before."

Albus blinked a few times before brandishing his wand. "Silenceo," he roared, making many of the portraits roll their eyes.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he barely had time to blink before his fire flared with green flames - the ministry was here and he still hadn't found Lockhart. Quickly looking around his office, he restored it to its usual state, not wanting them to see the evidence of his frustration.


Amelia Bones would have said she was not looking forward to her day if one were to ask. That was, of course, a lie. She was very much looking forward to seeing Susan and having her back for Yule, but before she could go and pick up her niece she was going to have to go and deal with the headmaster yet again.

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