19. EMS.

541 29 12

TW: Suicide attempt/ Random OC will be included to keep the story going, happy reading!

You're applying mascara to your lashes when you get a notification from your phone. You hum and turn it on, finding that your new Tinder date has replied to your message of going out for dinner.

Are you getting ready?

Yeah, why?

Just wondering what the dreamy princess is up to.

You had swiped on a particularly pretty face on Tinder, his name being Ando Kin; Kin for the kanji for gold. And golden he was; he was cheerful and upbeat and positive and charming, easily swaying you into a dinner, agreeing with your premise of having no sex on the first date.

You giggle at his nickname for you.

You're funny

Thanks! I try to be.

You pop your lips after smearing a streak of lipstick across the pillowy lips. You grab your phone and stuff it in your purse, locking the door behind you with your heels clicking against the floor.

It was currently 8:01 PM, and you had requested an early leave from the president to make some time for Kin. The president agreed because of your particular wording.

"I'd like some time off for myself."

"Is the workload too much for you, (last name)?" Fukuzawa had questioned, his hands in his long sleeve pockets. "We can reduce it if it's too much."

"Not at all, president," You dip your head in respect. "I've just been struggling with assimilating back to Japan after months of being in Europe. And you know how Dazai and I ended."

"I understand," He looks you in the eye. "You can have the rest of the day off."

"Thank you."

The elevator doors close behind you and you step out the lobby. It was 8 PM, meaning that the horizon was beginning to erase itself and leave you reddened, adrift, in an dying landscape that was like a sketch for the world you once knew; the outline of uniform trees, lamp-posts and traffic lights floating up out of context before the surrounding canvas was filled in: an amnesia land, a kind of skewed Heaven where the old landmarks were recognisable but spaced too far apart, and disarranged, and made wretched by the emptiness around them.

"(first name)?"

You turn around from the street you're walking on. There you find a familiar pair of chestnut brown eyes, wide and curious. Your lips thin into a line.

"Dazai," You greet. "How are you?"

"I'm fine," He waves your question off. "Why do you look extra pretty today?"

Dazai knew. He knows you're going on a date, but he has to ask you because he wished it wasn't true. A blind animal terror overtakes him that he disguises as happiness when you smile at him, oh-so-sweetly as if you were seeing him for the first time, and answer,

"I'm going on a date."

That sends his world into ruins. If it was already in ruins, it only desecrated the ruins even further. Everything has changed. He was stupefied by you again, something he had once adored by laughing and holding you closer to his chest. But in this instance does he want to grab you by the shoulders and crush you into his body like he was trying to fuse you to him, solder you to him, so you wouldn't come apart from him. Now he was again a man who never understood who he was to people; not when you were taking flight away from him.

"Are you now?" He says, smiling at you. He claps his hands together. "That's wonderful!"

You raise an eyebrow. "I'd expected more misery on your part."

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