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Angelo's POV

I made sure to get up extra early before Claire did. I wanted to surprise her with breakfast in bed.

Without the slightest idea on how to make pancakes I did the obvious thing, looked it up.

I found a few videos to help me so I followed them. I decided to make heaps of mini pancakes, decided to put them in a bowl with cut up berries and cream.

I tried my very best I really hope she likes it. Of course I burnt a few but I put those at the bottom so she wouldn't notice.

Also, decided I should make her some tea, wasn't sure if she preferred tea or coffee so I guessed.

I put this all on a small tray table, I also managed to incorporate a novel for her to read as she ate. Honestly small things like this make me happy, always loved doing things for others.

I then took everything over inside the fort, have to admit I was a little surprised when I saw her up. I did over think a little as I thought I had made a loud noise while preparing breakfast for her.

"Good morning sunshine, how was your sleep? " I ask to lighten the mood a little as I wasn't sure if she had been disturbed from her sleep.

"My sleep was amazing, oh my god, is that for me? " Claire tiredly yawns.

"Yeah, I made it just for you. "

"Awwww, such a gentleman, why are you so nice to me? " she asks as I sit the tray carefully over her legs.

"Well sunshine, you're nice to me and I'm a gentleman. " I joke.

"Well that you are. " she replied while looking at her breakfast. She then lifted her spoon and took a bite, "Angelo, this is delicious, where did you learn to cook? And you got me tea? My favorite."

"Actually Claire, to be honest I have never made pancakes in my life, this is a first attempt for me but I see that you are liking them so I think I did a good job. " I said this with a bright smile being proud of myself.

I watched as Claire finished her meal and drank the rest of her tea. "Angelo."
Claire says quietly.

"Yes sunshine? " I ask.

"Thank you so much, for everything. " she says with her soft voice.

I looked at her and all I can do is smile at her and just look at her stunning face as the morning sun shines on to it. It's as if the angles from heaven were also smiling down on her.

"What are you starring at? " Claire asks confused.

I let out a laugh as it was so obvious what I was staring at, "Just you. " I say.

She smiles a little and stands up,"Do you mind if I go get dressed? "

"Of course you can go get dressed, my clothes are free to use take whatever you want or you can wear yours."

"Thanks Angelo. "

I watch as she walks away to the bedroom. (I know it seems like I stare at her way to much, promise I'm not a stalker).

Claire's POV

My mind is blasting thoughts, all I can think about is Angelo. The way he is such a gentleman, the way that he cares so much for me and the way he just makes things fun and better.

I'm going through his clothes and decide to take some plain grey trousers. "This'll go with my top. " I say to myself.

As I put on my clothes I then brush out my hair with my hands to get rid of any nots I may have. After I make myself somewhat presentable I come out of the bedroom.

Coming out of the bedroom I see Angelo taking down parts of the blanket fort we built together. "Here Angelo, let me help you. " I say walking over to him.

"Thank you Claire, you know you don't have to help, you can sit up on the couch with that book you didn't read earlier. " Angelo insists.

"Angelo, seriously let me help I really don't mind. "

I then grab a couple of pillows to put them back on Angelo's bed where they belong.

Later the fort is completely gone. Angelo went out to do the dishes, of course I insisted on helping him but he of course wouldn't let me and sat me on the couch with a book.

He's such a gentleman, I know I can't say this enough but he truly is, he knows how to treat someone kindly.

I sit and read the book he gave me, already I'm up to chapter three.

Suddenly Angelo finished with the dishes and sat next to me, "Claire, whenever you would like to go home just let me know and I'll take you home."

"Thank you Angelo, such a gentleman. "

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