The End

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Hello and welcome to the end, reason for putting the information on the last part was so that you could know what's going on with everyone's lives and what persona they have, what they like or love, how old they are now, ect. But anyways I hope you have enjoyed the story and if anyone of you guys want to make a sequel to this if you want it continue, but you don't have to do anything if you don't want to. Anyways I hope you have an amazing rest of your day/afternoon/evening/night. I hope to see you muffins in my next story and I'll you muffins later.

You may be right wondering what happened to Bakubitch. I didn't see this to the story but when they got back instead of going straight to Kiri's and Izu's room then placed Izu down. After placing him down he went and beat Bakubitch into the ground sending him the hospital and the police took Bakubitch to Juvi for the rest of his life. Don't worry the police told his parents about it and they agreed that he should be in Juvi.

Bye Muffins! 👋😊

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