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Days passed and I keep seeing Thorn with his new friends.

I should be happy because he made friends and I don't have to be with him,but for some reason I feel...irritated?

"Thinking of someone?"The librarian asked in a much more happier tone that I like to hear from him

"I'm not. I'm completely focused in my book"I said in a slightly irritated tone

Me and the librarian eventually became friends since I always come here whenever I have time.He is a nice person and isn't as annoying as other person,but ever since he found out about Thorn,he became very annoying.

"No need to lie. It's obvious that something is distracting you and I'm sure that Thorn is the one distracting you"The librarian said with a smirk

"He is not the reason why I'm distracted"I stated but he completely ignored me

"I really don't understand why you keep telling yourself that you hate him.You clearly cares about him"He said

I definitely do not care about him.I just pity him and nothing more

"That's what you think.I know what I feel and it's not fondness"I replied and he rolled his eyes before he sat in front of me

"I know.Because it's another feeling"

"And that is?"I crossed my arms

"Love.Family love"

"Is that supposed to be a joke?If yes,then it's the worse joke that I have ever heard"

"Nope,not a joke"

"Then you're wrong.I do know what family love is.I love my parents and I know how it feels."

"They are your parents. Siblings love is different"he stated and drank his coffe

Drinking and eating is forbidden in the library,but he always break the rule and pretend that it's okay.He is the only librarian here,so as long as no students that would snitch see him then he is safe from getting fired.

"Just leave me alone or I will tell the principal that you keep breaking the rule"I threatened

"We both know that you would never snitch on me~"he said and smiled

He does have a point.I don't want him to get fired.He has become one of my closest friends---the only friend that I have.The teachers hates me because I keep correcting them---but sometimes he can really be annoying.

"Tch.Fine.Then let me be"I said but he continued to annoy me anyway

After what felt like hours,I finally manage to escape from him after the school bell rang.

Hours passed and the school finally ended.

Thorn had went outside first,so now I was waiting alone in the school gate.

In the past Thorn used to always wait for me and tries to be around me,but now he always go to his bestfriends.

Why am I even so irritated?

I shook my head and crushed all of my thoughts of Thorn and looked around to distract myself.

Then I noticed a similiar person.


He was the new kid in the upper class.He is three years older than me.

I have always been the most popular kid in school,until I wasn't. A day after he came and he immediately became popular.

Why does everyone like him so much?

He is quiet and always in a bad mood.He never spoke unless someone spoke first.He is as entertaining as a rock.Nothing interesting other than his good looks.

This isn't working.I keep getting more irritated than calmer.

Suddenly something else caught my attention.


He was smiling as he talked with Blaze and another boy from the upper class.If I'm not wrong,his name is Taufan,but I'm not sure and it doesn't really matter either.

Why do I keep feeling this way?

"Thorn"I said without even noticing it.My body had moved on it owns without my consent.

"Oh,Solar"Thorn said as he turned his attention to me"I'm sorry,did I make you wait too long?"


"No,you didn't."I replied

I have been waiting for an entire fifteen minutes and I wasn't even waiting for my parents but for...nevermind.

Thorn nodded before he smiled at his friends and hugged them goodbye.

Something is making my blood boil and I don't even know it.

Soon our parents came and we went home.


Did I do something wrong?

Ever since recess ended,Solar seemed to be in a bad mood.

Did I do something?Or did something else happened?Maybe he changed his mind and returned to hate me like in the past?What should I do...?

"What should I do to get closer to Solar?"I asked myself before I looked at my calender

In a few days we are going to have a little exam.It wouldn't count that much in our grades,but it will still count.

"Maybe when I get a high score then Solar will like me more?"I asked myself

Solar loves everything that is somehow smart.Like technology,books,smart adults and high grades.

"Would he like me more when I'm smart?"I mumbled as I stared at the calender

The exam would be about maths which I'm very bad at,but maybe when I learn a lot I can get a high score?


It wouldn't hurt to try right?
I'm so sorry that it's short :"(  I will try to write a longer one

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