Chapter 177 -180

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Chapter 177: I'll Give You a Week

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Zhao Lili flatly denied: "It's not out yet, it's not out yet, the appraisal results are not out yet, don't listen to hearsay."

She even continued subconsciously, "That revolving vase is authentic. My dad spent a whopping 10 million yuan to buy it. How could it be a fake? But it doesn't matter now. What's important is that there's a problem with our bet. This bet is very unfair to you. If the appraisal proves that the vase is genuine, you'd have to compensate our family 10 million yuan and apologize publicly. Conversely, if it's not genuine, I'd only need to apologize; it's a little like bullying. Therefore, I've decided to cancel our bet. I'm going to delete the video of our bet. You should also delete it as soon as possible and pretend that the bet never happened."

Before she could finish her sentence, she took out her phone and deleted the video. She then showed the phone to Su Yan, like she was afraid that Su Yan wouldn't believe her.

Seeing that Zhao Lili was almost done with her performance, Su Yan sneered, "Miss Zhao, are you regretting it now? Are you afraid that you will lose? That's why you deleted the video. Perhaps the bet is child's play in your eyes, but it isn't in mine. I'm a very serious person. I never do things half-way.

'Whatever I've said or done, I will honor or admit it. We made it very clear when we made the bet. We even have the video as proof. Even though you've deleted it, I still have it. Since the bet has already taken effect, regardless of whether you win or lose, you must accept its existence. It's not like you can just cancel it whenever you want. Do you think that everyone has time to joke around with you?"

At this point, she placed her orange juice on the table, crossed her arms and said, "Besides, I was the one who proposed this bet, so there's nothing unfair about it. Even if there's something unfair about it, I'm willing to accept it. So, the bet will go on as usual, unless..."
"Unless what?" Zhao Lili asked nervously.

$u Yan chuckled, "Unless the appraisal results are out and you already know that you've lost, so you want to trick me into canceling this bet. I'm sure you're feeling guilt-ridden now, right?"

Seeing Su Yan's half-smile, Zhao Lili's face tumed pale. She lowered her head and dared not meet Su Yan's almond-shaped eyes.

Zhao Lili replied stubbornly, "What are you saying? How can I lose? That bottle is 100% genuine. If anyone is feeling guilt-ridden, it should be you. Why would I feel guilt-ridden?"

$u Yan wasn't surprised at all at Zhao Lili's obstinacy. She smiled and said, "If that's the case, let's wait for the appraisal results. I'll have to trouble Miss Zhao to inform me personally when the results are out. I don't have any other intentions, nor do I want to deliberately make things difficult for you. I just want to fulfill our bet. If Miss Zhao doesn't have the time or forgets to inform me, then I'll ask for the results myself. After all, who doesn't have friends at the appraisal agency?"

Zhao Lili continued to be stubborn. "Hmph, there's no need to wait for the appraisal results. Our revolving bottle is 100% authentic."

Su Yan shrugged and said nonchalantly, "You can say whatever you want. Anyway, you're not an appraiser, so your assessment is meaningless. However, according to time, the appraisal results should have been out long ago. So, I believe you know better than anyone whether the vase authentic."

At this point, she looked behind Zhao Lili and pouted, "Your godbrother is here, so I shan't disturb your conversation. I'm quite busy these two days, so I'll give you a week. If you don't fulfill the bet, I'll hand this video over to the marketing account. I believe the netizens will be very interested in the Zhao family's daughter's unreasonableness."

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