Chapter 1

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Something I never understood is how anyone would want me to come back, not after everything went down. If I were them, I would never want to see my face again, in fact, I don't, I avoid the mirror at all costs.

After ten years on the road though, I have nowhere else to go but back, back to the one place that I am definitely not welcome, but family doesn't turn their back on family, right? They'll at least give me a job and a place to sleep, right? Right?

That hope is the only thing that got me, up this morning and made me put my 15-year-old mare in my trailer get in my truck and start the long drive to the ranch I once called home. The Whisper Ridge Ranch, the biggest in the area at 100,000 acres, could be bigger now. When I left Dad employed 10 regular ranch hands, plus my brother, sister, and myself, Mamma helped out to but she mainly worked at the house.

Now I know what your thinking, how could you leave a life like that, who could? Well it's simple. I am the reason my baby sister was paralyzed, my beautiful genius baby sister all over jealousy.

How could I face any of them again, how could I face her? I ruined her life.

After 7 long hours I pull up to the main gate of the ranch, The gate I left 10 years ago and hadn't looked back, I take a deep breath preparing myself to beg my way into at least the bunk house.

My blue heeler shifts in the seat next to me and looks over the dash to where we are headed.

"Its ok, lily." I tell her and pat her head and keep driving.

Besides fields the first thing you see from the main road is the barn where the horses are and the bunk house, as I pull up to them I see two men trying to load up a horse into a trailer that is rearing and trying to get away. The men seem to be getting angry which is making the young horse freak out my and the suddenly the horse pulls the lead rope out of the mans hand. It then turns and runs straight at my now stopped truck,

I open the door and step out as the men start running towards us looking scared shitless,

"Whoa!" I yell getting the attention of the horse running head long at me with no sign of slowing, He sees me and slowly starts to come to stop. "Whoa," I say again calmer this time. "Whoa."

I take a step close to the horse in front of me looking like he is going to blot any sec,

"Freeze." I say, in the same tone my father would use with us when we were younger and we were doing something he didn't like, and the men stop coming closer.

I take another step and reach for the lead rope connected to the halter on the young horse,

"It's ok." I tell the horse as I grab the rope and then I hear a voice I hoped to never ever hear again. I had hoped he would be gone but I suppose that wouldn't have made any sense.


"You always did have a way with even the most stubborn sons of bitches." I look behind the two men who are watching and see the boy, no man that I loved for years, Wilder Wilson, the boy that me and my baby sister were arguing about that day. Then slightly more behind him is the man that I came to grovel to, my father. The man I am hoping with give me a job and a roof to sleep under.

"You know, this crazy chick?" One of them men say making both Wilder and My father snap their eye to him.

"That "Chick" is, Dakota Mae Winters, the daughter of the man who writes your paycheck, I suggest you show some respect." Wilder says looking ready to punch them out. "Now why is that horse not on that trailer."

"That horse is Bat shit crazy." The same guy responds its almost like the second one doesn't speak.

"Don't go blaming the horse for you lack of ability to do your job." I say making all three snap their gazes to me. "He is scared and you got mad."

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