Chapter 14

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| Ring |

• Minhyuk •

«What would you have done?» Jessie asked me.

I took a deep breath, then let out a deep sigh. «I would tell him how much I miss him...»

«And?» She asked, waiting for more answer.

«And that I am so sorry for what I've done and it isn't like it's part of the plan but... I did love him. I still love him, but I can't go to him no matter how much I want him back because I think someone like me doesn't deserve someone like him...»

I closed the book and looked around the office. I've been reading for straight three days now and I was almost done when I got a call.

It’s Sungjae. I ignored it and was about to read again when it rang one more time.

I sighed and took it. “What?"

“Guess what I've found?”

“If that's even something interesting.”

“Oh I'm sure it will interest you.”

I sighed. “Just tell me.”

“Ugh, I guess it's better if I just text you. I'm hangin' up. Bye bye!”

And the call ended. Sometimes I want to ask his busy parents what they make him eat to be dumbㅡbut he's still one of my best friends.

I immediately received a text message.

Jang Eunha’s first ever book signing event in front of RR Book Publishing Company - 17:00 || Check the contact details for more info.

A smile curved my lips as I replied to him:

Finally doing something nice huh?
thanks yo.

He replied in a second:

I want some udon noodles and hamburgers, please. Now. Thank you.

I chuckled and shook my head before asking my secretary to send him what he wants.

“Dana, do you have a free time this afternoon? I might need some help from you.” I asked her.

She smiled. “I'll check, sir.”

“Okay, thanks!”

• •

• Eunha •

“Come on, Sona, I don't need to dress so prettily for the book signing. I don't even know if people will come.” I told her as we were walking around the department store.

“Trust me, girl. You are a rising writer now. That should be a special day for you because you will get to know how your readers think of you.”

I rolled my eyes smiling and just watched her look for dresses that she thinks would suit me.

“This is unfair! I just can't choose. Everything looks good on you.” She said later on.

“Just give it up.”

“No way!”

We ended up buying a black and white dress. It's white on top and black at the bottom. Sona also took a black blazer for me.

“This is enough, Sona. Thank you.”

She shook her head. “Now, shoes.”

“No way! I have plenty of shoes in the apartm—”

Bittersweet Revenge: BTOB Minhyuk ✔Where stories live. Discover now