chapter 5

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Jungkook was preparing dinner in kitchen while yoona was drawing something on dinning table . Today she was not feeling well and had mild cold . Jungkook has always been very careful regarding her health so he was preparing soup for her .

He heard the main door opening so he turn off the stove to look who was there as he was not expecting someone today and no one except Taehyung have the password.

And about Taehyung he is abroad for a business trip for 2 months

He saw Taehyung standing in living room with luggage in his hand . He was not expecting Taehyung at all cause it's been years when he came early at home . He never came directly at home after a business trip he always send his luggage by driver and came late at night .

"You came early today ?" Jungkook asked .

Well he didn't even greet him or welcome back . Its been like that between them now .

Jungkook remember the time when it's been 7 months of their marriage and Taehyung have to go for a business deal for 2 weeks . Jungkook was really sad at that time they use to face time every night before sleeping and call for least 3 times a day . When Taehyung return back Jungkook embraced him in hug and tell him how much he missed him .

That all seem so foreign now .

"Yeah . I had a head ace can you make me some herbal tea " Taehyung said while he start moving upstairs

He received a call so he thought to answer it first . When the call end he saw Jungkook coming with the tea so he thought to sit and have some tea and then fresh up .

Jungkook return to kitchen to continue cooking after giving tea to Taehyung . He saw yoona scribbling on paper with different colors .

Taehyung was having tea when he saw yoona peeking from the wall and looking towards him he ignored her like always but after yoona saw him looking at her she move towards him .

"Dada" she called

But Taehyung again ignored her

She pout at that and move towards him and said excitingly

"Dada look I made you papa and yoona  . Yoona family ."

Taehyung look towards  yoona and the paper in hand . There were two big sticks drawn with circle on top representing him and Jungkook while a small stick with pony tail on top of circle which represent yoona . In picture three of them were standing Infront of a house messily drawn .

Yoona look towards him showing her beautiful smile while she forward the paper.

Taehyung give him a cold galance.

"Dada look " she said happily while putting the page Infront of taehyung on coffee table

"For the nth time  am telling you don't call me that " Taehyung shout at her

Her smile immediately fall. She hate when someone shout at her . Her eyes immediately brim with tears .

Listening to shout Jungkook immediately run towards yoona and embrace her .

"It's alright baby don't cry . Papa is here ." He said while wiping her tears with his finger .

Taehyung look towards all of scene with bored expression. It's not the first time when he shout at yoona when she called him Dada . He always told her not to call him that but she always call him Dada with sweetest smile .

"Papa ... Dada shout on yoona . " yoona said

"It's alright princess no one's gonna shout at you when papa is here " he said kissing her temple

He look towards Taehyung who was having bored expression while he put  the cup on coffee table

"Why did you shout on her ?" Jungkook asked

" Well I have told her a million of times to not call me Dada . And next time I won't only shout " Taehyung said

" What are gonna do . I dare you to raise your voice on my daughter once again.

    .And what wrong she did . If you can't act like a father than atleast let her call you that . That's the least you could do for her ." Jungkook said

"You don't have to tell me what I should do . I would be perfect dad if things were different. If she was not my daughter" Taehyung said

"You know what I am so done with all of this I thought to talk to you last time but I know it's gonna waste our time . I am so done with you , will all of this , with my daughter hurting, with you telling how things would be better if she was a boy but you know things won't be better the problem is not her it's you and your Narrow mindness . You always wish she was not your daughter but I wish you were not her father . She deserve better than you . I wish I never married you Kim Taehyung I hate you so much .

Let's get divorce and put an end to it ."
Jungkook said finally letting all his frustrating in words

" what ?" Taehyung said

" let's get divorced. " Jungkook said

He think for a minute he saw some emotion on Taehyung face  but Taehyung quickly left towards his room .

Jungkook took yoona with him to kitchen and feed her some soup and some medicine

"Papa .... Dada didn't see yoona family . She made that for Dada "

" it's alright baby your Dada was tired he would see that later  now you should sleep " Jungkook said kissing her forehead

On the other side Taehyung got fresh and tried to sleep but his head was a mess due to talk with Jungkook and his head ace was killing him so he gulped sleeping pill so he could sleep for a while

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