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Narrator pov:

Y/N was shocked. She could not believe it. She said, Mui. I actually"
Then he cuts her off and says, "It is fine if you don't feel the same way; I just had to express my feelings to you."
"Mui.. I have been longing to say this, but I actually discovered I had feelings for you ever since I joined the gang. But I was too afraid of rejection. All I need is you, only you. She blurted it out nervously.
Muichiro was shocked by her answer and asked, "Hey Y/N, do you want to be my girlfriend? He said it with a big smile.
"I would love to, replied Y/N.
Muichiro grabs Y/N's hand, signaling her for a kiss.

They stared at each other's eyes for some time, then Y/N placed her warm hands on Muichiro's cold face, and he placed his one hand on her chin, pulling her head up to kiss her passionately.
Something then caught their eye. They quickly separated and stared at Nezuko, who was holding her phone and had taken a picture of them. "Caught in 4K, she said, laughing.

Nezuko, it's not what it looks like, said Muichiro.

"Shame too late; I'm going to show the others. Nezuko squealed as she ran away.
Muichiro and Y/N run after Nezuko.
"Wait, Nezuko, don't run, please. Begged Y/N
Then Nezuko quickly runs to the table where the gang is eating. "Guys, I want to show you something."
Kanao starts laughing. Huh, I knew you guys loved each other."
Muichiro and Y/N turned super red.

Sorry this is supper short I'm currently suffering with severe anxiety so it's taking a toll on me love you guys 🫶🫶🫶

you belong ONLY to me muichiro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now