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IMPURE, By Lunar Wrights
-- CHAPTER 5: Daylight --

Seungcheol took the burden off Mingyu's hands, the younger's expressions changing the minute he decided to leave the lake. The Leader knew right then that it was his Spirit draining him out and that Mingyu had used so much of his energy already. It was only amazing that Mingyu could focus this long while using his Spirit for the first time.
The leader was rather impressed and proud, he walked a few steps into the water to meet Mingyu halfway where he desperately handed over the sleeping human boy to him.

"Wonwoo ... his name is Wonwoo" Mingyu said and Scoups didn't pay much attention to be honest and the name didn't ring any bells either. Jeonghan was there by his side in no time and Seungcheol knew that the two will be okay.

Scoups walked right upstairs, looking down at the unconscious boy in his arms. He seemed to be quiet,  fragile and about to break in his arms at any time but he also looked peaceful. Water dripping from his thin figure and, no, luckily, he didn't feel or seem to be feeling cold nor was he shivering.

Scoups left Jeonghan with the rest of the Pack in the living room, while he gently sat the human boy *Wonwoo* on his bed back at the guest room.
He thought he should dry him out and probably change him into something dry and comfortable.

He sighed as he left the room to ramage through their own closet for something comfortable to slip the boy into, probably something from Jeonghan's side of the closet. He stoped in his trails when he finally acknowledged Joshua's presence outside the room. His leader didn't seem to give him much attention when he followed him upstairs and Joshua thought he should probably wait for his approval to talk.

"Joshua" ... "Sorry buddy but I kinda have my hands full here"

Joshua didn't reply but only stared at his Alpha with worried eyes, his heart twisted and turned and Seungcheol could see that he was holding back his tears

"Why are we doing this?" Joshua asked, the boy sounded broken, he hated the fact that they were in this mess, he despised the fact that they had a Human in the house and Seungcheol knew exactly why, he put a firm hand on the boy's shoulder.

"He's harmless Joshua ..."

"I don't care" Joshua cut him off too quickly "I don't care" he repeated, his voice lowered to a desperate whisper "I can't accept it if he's staying"

Scoups, gritted his teeth and sighed deeply, he knew exactly what Joshua has gone through, he knew why he was acting up and yet, there was just so much going on.

"I promise, everything will be okay"

Joshua tried his mighty self to ignore the feelings piling up inside of him, he tried to put his experiences aside and think with a clear mind. This particular human was different, he had a pure soul, maybe he wasn't like the rest, maybe he wasn't like the humans he once knew, maybe he's not like the ones who broke him.

Joshua broke the eye contact and looked away giving Scoups space to finally leave the room like he intended to do and followed behind him instead. His eyes landed on the sleeping human on the bed but he couldn't look at him without having the urge to shred him to pieces.

"Why don't you join the others?" Scoups suggested "I'll be right there, keep an eye on Jeonghan for me until I get there okay?"

Joshua sighed deeply once again, he wanted to believe his Alpha, he really wanted to, but something inside of him just couldn't trust this stranger. Joshua nodded and felt as Scoups walked right past him, his scent strong and reassuring at the same time, making Joshua's heart cool down for now at least.

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