Sending Flowers

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               3 Months Ago


      I am excited and nervous about this weekend. It will be the first time I have the kids all to myself for overnights. Haylie and the other women are going away for a spa weekend. Grayson,  Damien, and G-Man went with them. G-Man who insisted on being called Ryder or Ry for the weekend says he is going both to protect the women and for the spa. He is after all a claimed man. Haylie, Phoebe, CeeCee, and Pixie are the only non-claimed women going. With all that has happened since the Alejandro situation, we figure the women deserve the time away. The death of Sadie hit the club hard.

     Things have been great with me and the kidlets. I laughed when Haylie explained why she called them that, “Well, Ink, they are kids and triplets. So kidlets fits both of their titles.” She told me like it was such a duh explanation that, I should have known it. That smart-ass woman makes me fall for her more every day. I thought I was in love with her before, but now I know it. The only problem with that is she has been distant since the mini-vacation to the trampoline park.  Ivy says I am an idiot. The mini-vacation was her offering me an olive branch to a relationship and I blew it. Maybe I did. I did insist on separate rooms, paying my own way, and turned down two offers for time to talk about the past. I just wanted to focus on the kids, not the past. Fuck, maybe I did mess it up. Was that her making a move? Does she now think I am not interested? Dammit, I am an idiot.

    Now that I have fucked up again, it is time to make it up and woo my woman. I need to ask Mayhem is flowers every day she is at the spa too much. While Lucas is busy playing a video game with Tech and the girls are helping Gears bake,  I am going to go talk to Mayhem. I knock on his door and hear, “Come in.” I walk in and take the seat across from him. “What’s on your mind, Ink?” he asks. “I think Ivy is right,  I am an idiot. I think Haylie was trying to hit on me while on our mini vacation and I blew it. I need to fix it. Is flowers every day she is at the spa too much?” I ask. Once he is done laughing at me, he responds, “You think you messed up? The rest of us know you did. I think flowers is a good start.” I nod and exit his office. He hollers after me, “Don’t forget to apologize on the card.” Then I hear more laughing.

    The first night they were there, I sent a sunnyside bouquet. It has yellow roses, sunflowers, and yellow gerber daisies. I apologized in my card for my fuck ups and I thought I did amazing. Come on, Haylie loves all three of those flowers. I was proud until I told Wolf and Mayhem what I sent. They laughed so hard I thought they would piss themselves. Wolf then told me I basically friend-zoned her. Those flowers represent friendship. After much investigation of the meaning of flowers, the next day I sent regular daisies. I signed the card to our new beginnings. This morning before they head home,  I sent her calla lilies. I signed the card,  beautiful flowers for my beautiful woman. I am yours. Hopefully, it works.

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