Chapter 6

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We lay like this for a while till I fall asleep. I wake up all of the sudden and remember Cameron, I open my eyes and see Cameron's face. . "Hi." I whisper. "Hi." He whispers back in a deep sleepy voice smiling at me. "What time is it?" I say bolting up. "I don't know" Cameron says sitting up. I crawl out of bed and check the time. "It's seven o'clock, I'm hungry" I say sitting on the bed. "Let's go get some food" Cameron says standing up. "We probably don't have any thing good" I say. "It's okay I will take you out to eat" he says. "Oh okay" I say smiling at him. I look at my self in the mirror and see my makeup all over my face and my hair all crazy. "Woah" I say. I hear Cameron laugh. "We are probably just going to McDonald's it doesn't matter you look adorable" Cameron says. "Wait" I say running to the bathroom. I wash the makeup off my face and throw my hair up in to a bun. "Okay I'm ready" I say grabbing my shoes. "Okay let's go" he says. We both go down stairs and walk out side. "Wait we don't have a car" I say. "I do" Cameron says. "At my house, we just have to walk down the street aways." He says. "Ugh okay" I say. We start walking till we turn down a street. "Dang this is a nice neighborhood" I think as I look at all the houses. We finally stop in front of a very nice white house with a fence around the front yard. "Come on" Cameron says grabbing my hand, he pushes a button and a gate opens to his driveway. We walk up it and stop in front of his door. "I will be right back" he says opening his front door. I see him walk in side and turn a corner. "Cam were have you been all day?" I hear a women's voice ask. "I have just been hanging out with a friend." I hear him grab some keys. "Now where are you going?" "To take her out to eat" Cameron says. "Oh so it's your girlfriend! I want to meet her" the women says. My eyes widen as I hear footsteps come towards me. "Mom she's just my friend" I hear Cameron say. "Cameron you have a girlfriend awe" I hear another voice say. All of a sudden the screen door opens. "Cameron you just left her outside invite her in!" I hear the women say. "Come in" he says smiling at me a little embarrassed. I walk inside shyly and look around. "Woah" I think to my self. "Mom this is-" all of a sudden I feel someone tightly hug me. My eyes widen not knowing who was hugging me. "I'm Gina Cameron's mom" Gina says letting go. "And I'm Sierra!" I hear a voice say in another room. "I'm Chelsea" I say with a smile. "Awe she's a keeper Cam" Gina says smiling at me. I smile back at her. "Awe she's so pretty Cameron!" Sierra says walking over to me. "My name is Sierra" she says holding out a hand. "Thank you I'm Chelsea" I say smiling at her. "This is a big thing Cameron never brings home girls, just boys very very crazy boys" she laughs. "Mom!" Cameron says embarrassed. I laugh and look over at him. "How long have you guys been dating?!" Sierra asks. "Oh we aren't-" I say but Cameron cuts me off  "Okay we're gonna leave now bye mom and Sierra!" Cameron says grabbing my hand. "But we aren't dating!" I say to him. "I know, they think we are and I just don't want them asking more questions" he says opening a door to the garage. We walk over to a very nice car and I hop into the passengers seat. "Lego" Cameron says starting the car. We pull out of the drive way and drive down the street. I turn on the radio. "Omg I love this song!" I squeal and turn it up. I hear Cameron laughs looking up at the sun roof. I look up to. "Do you want me to open the sun roof?" He asks looking at me. "Sure" I say. He opens it and I start singing again. "You can stand up if you want" Cameron laughs. "Ah sure, but it's not gonna be my fault if I fall off." I laugh. "You'll be fine" Cameron says putting his hand on my thigh. "Okay" I giggle. I start to stand up on my seat, I pop my head out of the sun roof and look around. I smile down at Cameron and hop onto the roof of the car. I look around and see the sunsetting. I take my hair out of its bun and run my fingers threw my hair. The wind blows through my hair while the sound of music blurred my ears. For once I was actually starting to have some fun. I start to laugh as I put my hands in the air. "Wow my mom was right" I think. "You havin fun up there!" Cameron yells. "Yeah!" I laugh. I pop my head back into the car and sit back down. "That was actually a lot of fun" I say. "You have never done that before?" Cameron laughs. "No, don't you remember my mom saying I should have more fun?" I laugh. "Oh yeah I guess" Cameron laughs. We finally get to McDonald's and go through the drive-through . "I know a place where we can eat this" Cameron says. "But I'm hungry now" I say. "You can't wait 10 minutes?" Cameron laughs. "Ugh fine" I say. We start to drive again. "Cameron how do you know where your going it's dark?" I laugh. "Oh yeah" he laughs turning on his headlights. "Okay we're almost here!" He says. I look out my window and all I could see were trees. We finally get to a huge field.

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