1. Research Gone Wrong

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"Y/n,  is it ready?"
"I believe so Asta,  this should help boost the use light cones and a few other details I'll record for later."    I pulled out a light cone I had and set it on the platform of my machine.    "All this is is a simple light cone enhancer,   a prototype of course.    You place the cone onto the platform,  like so,  and implement what element you use."
I demonstrate everything I described to Asta,  not missing a single step.
I put in Lightning as my element and pressed a few more buttons.   "Ok,  after you've put in the settings then you can click the start button.   Easy peasy."
"Be careful Y/n."  Asta warned,  I was after all her favorite tech geek.   I was like a brother to her in a way.
I started up the machine,   watching as it whirred to life.     Something didn't feel right,  a pit grew in my stomach as I witnessed what looked like my creation was about to implode on itself.

"Warning,   evacuate the area.  Warning,  evacuate the area."     I picked up my bow and ushered everyone out of the room.   I, however,  wasn't so lucky.    My feet slid back as a reaction to the pull from the prolonged implosion,   bringing me closer to what could possibly be my end.   Asta was about to try and save me till I stopped her.
"No!  Save everyone else!"
The horror in her eyes grew as I was consumed by pure energy.   That was the last thing I saw before the world around me disappeared.

Everything was spinning and I felt like I was gonna puke,   but the fast approaching ground was worse then my nausea.
What looked to be a city, which wasn't too far from where I was falling,  didn't look like any place I've seen.   Once I realized how close I was to going splat I finally screamed,  I am in no way ready to die.


Two blond girls and a floating child like thing looked up and saw me,   quickly descending.   "Lumine,   someone is falling!  Quick,  we gotta help them!"   "Right!"
As I got closer she used her element to halt my fall,  lowering me down into the grass.
In my dizzy state I couldn't say anything and just groaned.     "Jean we have to take him to Barbara."    The younger girl said and put her arms under my pits,   "Yes.   Let's be as quick as possible."   The other said and grabbed my legs,  together they carried me away.    

"Ugh,  I feel sick."  I closed my eyes trying to not throw up my dinner.
Wait,  its mid afternoon here.  I can tell by the position of the sun.   Where in the world am I?!    "Just hold on a little long Mister.  By the way,  who are you?  You're not from around here are you."   "Where even is 'here'? "    Jean looked confused but answered,  "Mondstadt.... In Tyvat."
I shook myself out of their grasp and held my bow at the ready.
"Which planet?"
"Planet?  Paimon doesn't understand what you mean.   Mondstadt is just a nation in Tyvat,  Acting Grand Master Jean already said that."  
I pulled up my net interface keyboard and tried contacting Asta,  but to my building up bad luck there was no signal.   "This isn't possible..."   I sighed and looked over the three people in front of me.

"My name is Y/n L/n,  one of the head researchers and tech genius of the Black Clover.    I work under Asta who is the head researcher.  Who are you guys?"
"Well,  Paimon is Paimon.  This is the traveler Lumine and Acting Grand Master Jean."    Jean gave me a once over and then spoke,  "Why don't you come back to the city with us?   We can figure out where to go from there."   I nod and follow behind as Jean, Lumine, and Paimon led the way.
"So Y/n,  how did you end up falling from the sky?"  Lumine asked,  rubbing her cheek as she waited for my answer.   "To start,  I was working on something that could help boost the performance of light cones."
"Light cone?"  They said in unison.
"Yes,  light cones.   Each cone boosts one's power.   I was building a machine that could boost the amount of damage dealt as well as a few other stat boosting features.   The prototype I used failed and imploded.  Apparently it must have teleported me back in time or to another universe.   That's just a guess though."
"Wow,  Paimon never imagined you could travel through universes.  That's so cool!"

The rest of the journey was spent answering their questions,  like the elements I was talking about or what my home was like.
We reached the city by Sundown,  casting the buildings with a beautiful glow.
Jean placed a hand on my shoulder,  concern lacing her eyes.   "How are you feeling?   You did say you felt sick."
I gazed at the big statue that seemed to be a god statue,  "I feel fine now."
She hummed and continued leading on towards a place guarded by knights.
"Welcome to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters."  Paimon announced, racing inside with Lumine close behind.   I was brought to an office,  which I assumed to be Jean's,  and stood in the doorway.
"Come in,  don't just stand there."  Jean chuckled as she sat in her chair.

"Now,  let's begin."

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