Something planned?

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3rd person pov

Nimona opened the door while ambrosius was cuddling bal

Bal was so sleepy and ambrosius was holding him so tight

That he was planning on giving him a wedding ring

Bals pov:

Ambrosius made breakfast and was so happy for some reason that I didn't know

He left and left a note on the refrigerator it said "Hey love meet me at our favorite 

Restaurant I have planned something special for you " Nimona was ready to go to

When she didn't know I wasn't going to let her go because I think it's only me and 

Ambrosius .

Ambrosius POV:

I'm so nervous what if he rejects me what if he breaks up with me and dosent want to 

See me anymore I'm probably overthinking I'm going to act normal now because 

He is here now "Hey ambrosius I'm here " ballister said "Hey luv" said ambrosius 

3rd person POV

Ambrosius takes out the ring and asks ballister "Ballister Boldheart will you-''

Ballister says yes and they kiss.

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