Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Clara came from her room and sighed heavily when she saw me. "What happened? Did he hurt you?"

"No... He asked."

"The orphanage?" She said.

I nodded. She came over and slowly, awkwardly wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

"He's leaving now," Clara looked over my shoulder and out the window.
She pulled away, "I've been worried. I'm so happy you're okay."

I looked back towards the door, the heat returning to my face as the memories resurfaced. "I'm just going to go to bed."

She nodded and watched as I left the room. I crawled into bed, wrapping the blankets up around me, tucked under my body, shielding myself, protecting myself.

I thought about the evening, remembering the way he looked at me so intently and the things he said. I thought about Dominic. The way he held me and wiped away my tears, but then remembering he was the sole reason for my crying.

Him slamming and locking the door, his tone, the way he demanded me to tell him.
But then the orphanage, scared to tell him, wanting to tell him.

I wanted to lift a burden from my chest. Share the memories. I wanted to heal.

But I didn't know how.

I believed Clara would be enough because she knew what I went through, but some part of me always knew it wasn't.

But I could never let Dominic bare my burden.

I couldn't speak. Words evaporated when I wanted to rid of my traumas.

I wanted someone, anything, but I never had the words to express it.

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