Chapter Twenty Four ㅡ Gagwanz Crises.

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"Sir, I'm sorry. But this kind of behaviour isn't tolerable. " Shin Jiwoo, Stray Kids' manager stated to the latter.

Park Jinyoung, the owner of JYP Entertainment, leaned back in his chair, thinking for a while.

"I can understand your worry, Mr. Jiwoo. But this is really not my concern, I suggest you speak to the head of Division One. " He suggested, and the manager shook his head.

"I know, Mr. Park. But I thought this should be addressed to a higher authority. I can not stand Minho's foul language towards me anymore. This is disrespectful in so many ways. " He exclaimed in concern, and JYP nodded his head.

"I'll look into it. However, in the meantime, you can write a letter to the Division One head so you can get your issue addressed. " He stated, and the manager nodded.

"Also," JYP started, "about the protests, I hope it's under control now. "

"It is, sir. " The manager stated, getting up as he shook hands with the other. "I'll take my leave now. "

Stray Kids were waiting anxiously in their manager's office. It had been a while since their manager had left to have a meeting with JYP. Chan was fidgeting with his fingers as he sat on the couch beside Minho. As a leader, he was the one who had the most load on his shoulder.

Stray Kids' reputation was at stake with each rumour that passed by. Chan was afraid it would affect their image, especially Hyunjin's and Felix's, who were ambassadors of the luxury Italian and French brands, respectively. He was worried they would have to cancel their contracts because of the allegations. But what Chan was most worried about was Minho. Minho had been quiet all the while as they waited there. The latter had a dull look in his eyes as if he had lost all the light. Chan gazed at Minho, the younger's eyes were fixated onto the ground, an emotionless look plastered onto his face.

Chan let out a quiet breath and turned over to Seungmin, who gazed sadly over to the window like a spaceㅡcadet. The protests were over almost an hour ago. It was a heartbreaking sight, seeing people burn down Minho's cutouts, screaming out hate with banners. It was an awful sight, but the company managed to end it.

Chan swore he saw a tear rolled down Seungmin's eyes, but the latter quickly wiped them with the sleeves of his shirt. He knew the entire situation saddened Seungmin a lot. At a certain point, Chan thought the younger must've blamed himself for all the allegations against Minho, which wouldn't be surprising taking Seungmin's character in mind.

There was soon an end to Chan's thoughts when the door swayed open, revealing their manager who walked over inside the room, holding a few files in his hands.

The manager looked over to the kids and signalled them to take a seat as he took his own. He sat down on the chair, opened the necessary documents, and then gazed at the leader.

"The protests are now over, and the company will be taking strict allegations towards anyone who continues or supports this. " He stated, and everyone sighed out of relief.

"However," the manager started, gawking towards Minho, who had a tensed look.

"Minho, I want you and Seungmin to keep a distance from each other in the meantime. Any display of public affection from you guys will result in consequences. " He explained, and the boys nodded understanding.

"So... I should just stick to Jisung?" Minho asked in a small voice, to which the manager nodded. "Yes. Probably. "

There was a wave of silence in the room.

Seungmin released a shaky breath and kept a hand over Minho's, trying to reassure his boyfriend.

Minho slowly turned to meet his eyes with Seungmin, and they both nodded a  shared understanding to each other.

Both of them knew that before anything else, they were Idols. They were a part of Stray Kids. They were an artist under JYP Entertainment. They were the fourth generation's respected dancer and vocalist. So, they couldn't let their relationship ruin their career. They knew that any violation of their image may result in not just their's, but every Stray Kid's members downfall.

It was best if they stayed away from each other for a while.


The manager continued and flipped a few pages of his document. "Minho..." He asked for the latter's attention, and Minho turned to look at him.

"Due to you breaching JYP Entertainment's rules and regulations, the company is deducting 7% of your monthly pay check. "

He stated, making everyone's eyes in the room widen. Chan looked at their manager in disbelief and tilted his head to the side, demanding an explanation.

"May we please know what rules Minhk has breached, manager-nim?" He questioned, and the manager nodded, indicating he'll explain.

"On June 6th, Stray Kids' YouTube Live, Minho breached the rule of using foul language on camera. Which was the first warning. On August 8th, he used foul language towards me, which the final call for the company,"

"That was the first breach. On June 25th, Minho got involved in murder allegations, which the company did not mind as it was only a rumour back then, but as of now, he has been involved in two murder scandals, bullying accusations and dating scandals. Which the company will not tolerate. "

He explained, and the members turned to look at each other in confusion.

"But I'm already dating Seungmin. How can I be involved in other dating scandals?" Minho inquired the manager, and the other nodded.

"But you were. There had been rumours about you and our artist NMIXX's Sullyoon. Which was the second breach. "

Minho cursed under his breath and turned to look at Seungmin. Seungmin squeezed the older's hand and gave him a small reassuring smile.

"The third breach was Minho dating. You guys are, I believe, aware of the rules? Right?" The manager asked them, and Chan yet again looked at the manager questioningly, as soon as he opened his mouth to speak, Jisung beat him to it.

"But I thought the dating ban was lifted?" Jisung asked, and the manager nodded.

"Yes. It has surely been lifted, and you guys are allowed to date, but you have to inform the company. And the way we were informed about it... wasn't very... you know the story. " He smiled in sarcasm and straightened up his posture, leaning over slightly to look at Minho better.

"Therefore, that sums up today's meeting. I hope we don't have to keep meeting again for reasons like this. Good day, boys. " He stated and waved at them, indicating for them to leave.

The kids looked at each other with disappointment and bowed at the manager before walking away with heavy steps.

Hey guys! I'm sorry for the short chapters and irregular updates! I'm still kinda finding my way through life and figuring out how things work for me. It's a small stage I'm stuck in, but I'm sure I'll soon find my way <3

Anyways, are you still alive with the recent 2min moments? I think I need an entire year to process all of them because of so much deprivation. Don't forget to keep voting! Bye!


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