chapter 4

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lerouch was watch anything from the moment lacenlot arrive  to the incoming showdown

lerouch:soo that is an new knightmare..huh..well is gonnad be interesting how he handle the reaper and olso is an good chance to see what else the reaper is capable off..but odd he go for close combat and only the first...

he think and realise

lerouch:must be to test how strong lancelot is..clever but dangerous..olso the dragon is gone...but maybe

he use the radio

lerouch:q1 what is the situalation on you side?

kallen:we face an group of the empire but thanks to the reaper's weapons and the dragon we deal with then and olso the dragon leave and looks like it the empire is after then

lerouch:i see{the dragon will keep the empire busy}use the chance to hide for now the empire will be busy hunt the duo istead you

kallen:and winning?

lerouch:all with time..for now hide and try to regroup with the rest

kallen:all right

the radio end as lerouch look back to the reaper and the lancelot

lerouch:well then reaper what can you do

back to jason and suzaku

jason was ready to fight as he have trough

jason:{i want to see what is capable soo i play aroud an little and maybe mock him to get him attack more to see what else you have}well then shall we begin?

suzaku got ready

suzaku:{i can do this..i know is gonnad be an hard battle i need to win..i need to stop the reaper's masacre}

suzaku got ready as jason smile as he charge toward the knightmare


lancelot was on the ground as it take damage as the unit manage to stand up as suzaku was trough about what happen

suzaku:{is more than i strough and the movement was too fluid and accurate not even lancelot have that fluidity and..olso something odd is happen when i try to attack him he dissapear an blick and hit happen two times}

he trough as he remeber thoses two times he try to attack jason but an blick dissapear as he wasn't aware jason use his magic to slow down time to attack him

jason:{well sure he is shock and now i know}gotta say?


jason:for someone who use an knightmare who seems like the last gen you attacks are ...simple and nothing special...i see pilot who make diferent types of attacks but yours are basic the typical first rank soldiers...

suzaku:!?!?{he figure my rank!?}

jason:.i..see...jejeje..funny i can see it now

suzaku:what you taking about?

jason:you pretty much are an lab rab on an experimental mech with chances mild go wrong..jeje funny you defend an empire who will trhow you into the wofts an first chance just to keep they best safe

suzaku:i do what ever takes to stop the fighting and the killing more from you

jason:jejeje..nice one...i never know you can do jokes

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