The Ticket Masters Part 2

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It was hard to understand a single word from my friends as they were arguing all over each other and Twilight just kept cowering beneath the chaos.. Poor Twi

"Hey! Everypony!"



Still nothing


Twilight finally screamed out loud and everyone went silent. Except Pinkie who was still rambling about something

"Girls, there's no use in arguing"

Rarity walked up to her to say something but got silenced by Twilight

"This is MY decision and I'm gonna make it on my own! And I certainly can't think straight with all this noise!"

And just like that..our stomachs started to growl. Ughhhhh

"..Not to mention Hunger. Now go on! Shoo!"

Our friends were mumbling under their breaths as they retreated but..this is surely not the end of it. And y'know what. I'm done trying to say I have Tickets as well. Let them figure that out on their own

"And don't worry! I'll figure this out!...somehow"

"Can we eat something now?" I asked with clear annoyance in my voice

"Yeah..lets go" she sighed and began to walk to the restaurant. Spike jumped on my back again

"So're not gonna tell them?"

"Nope. They can figure out on their own"

We FINALLY arrived and sat down. Twilights head was rested on the Table while Spike was looking through the Menu. I already know what I want so I was staring up at the clouds.

"Aw, you two..what am I gonna do? All five of our friends have really good reasons to go to the gala.." She grabbed a flower with her magic and organ to pluck off five petals "Applejack or Rainbow Dash? Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy? Rarity? Oh, who should go with me??" She licked the Petals off the Table after she was done

"Have you made your decisions?"
The waiter came up to our Table and I was about to respond

"I CAN'T DECIDE!!"..Good job. Now everyone is staring at us.

"Ugh..Twi your order. He wants your order" I facepalmed as I try to avoid all the glances

"...Oh. I would love a Daffodil-And-Daisy Sandwich"

"For me some Rose Petal Soup please"

"Do you have any Rubies?"..Only a glare in response for Spike "No? Okay.. I'll have the Hay Fries. Extra Crispy!"

"What do you think spike?"

The conversation went back to giving someone the Tickets. So I tuned them out. I also grabbed one of the flowers and plucked the Petals off. I let them dance around the air and made shapes with them to entertain myself..

And then our food came. It smelled so good I wanted to goble it all up in one second. Just as I raised the spoon with my magic I noticed the other Pony's who were also eating running inside

"Um..Madam's? Are you going to eat your food in the Rain?"

I looked around and sure enough.. It was raining. But our spot still had warm Sunshine. I looked up to see.. Rainbow Dash..Well great

"Hi there best Friend's forever I've ever, ever had! Enjoying the sunny weather? " Well darn, we arrived at this level

Twilight was NOT happy to say the least.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16 ⏰

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