Chapter 1: A Strange Encounter...(Part 1)

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It was an ordinary Tuesday, Mama was setting the table for dinner and Papa had called to say he was on his way home after leaving the office. You see, Papa was the owner of a well-known construction company. He often worked long hours, catching up on paperwork long after his colleagues had left. Although Mama would scold him like a child, I admired his persistence and diligence. He would always come home exhausted and in a clumsy state.

"Marie, te importa ayudarme con los cubiertos, mi amor?" Mama called from the kitchen. She wanted me to help her with the knives, forks and spoons.

"Sí madre!" Yes Mama, I shouted running downstairs. Mama always spoke Spanish around the house, I've no idea why, maybe she wanted us to always remember our roots.

After I had helped Mum with the silverware, she asked me to go to the shop and buy some fizzy drinks for her.

"But Mama! Why can't Pedro or Sofia do it for you?" I whined. Pedro slept in his room, doing nothing, while Sofia had a video call with her friends. They had nothing to do! Well, I mean I had nothing to do either but Mama didn't need to know that.

"No te dije que deberíamos hablar más español en esta casa?" Mama replied. Here she goes talking about talking more Spanish in the house.

"Okay okay, lo siento Mama," I apologized.

"Ahora ve a comprar las bebidas gaseosas antes de que tu padre llegue a casa," she  said giving me a £10 note telling me to go buy the fizzy drinks before papa comes home.

"Vale, Mama," I finally agreed (only to use the change to buy some sweets). I rushed upstairs to go and get my raincoat, Sofia had told me it was going to be a bit chilly outside. As I was walking down the corridor I accidentally bumped into Isabella.

"Siento no haberte visto, Estás bien?" I apologised telling her that I didn't see her and asked if she was okay.

"Yeah, it's all right, no need to speak Spanish around me, you know I prefer English, I mean we are in England," she laughed "But thanks for your concern,"

"Yes, I know, but you know what Mama is like, she's always telling me off for not speaking more Spanish in the house," I sighed.

"Yes, but she's not here at the moment, anyway, where are you going in such a hurry?" she asked. She had a look of curiosity on her face and I had the feeling that she wanted to come with me.

"I'm just going to the shop across the road to get some fizzy drinks for her, I just wanted to get my jacket from my room first," I replied.

"Would you mind if I came with you? I wanted to buy some chocolates anyway, and don't worry, I'll bring my own money," she asked. Told you she'd want to come.

"I don't mind at all! I'll be waiting for you downstairs as soon as I have my jacket," I said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll be right there!" she said smiling back.  She skipped upstairs to her bedroom happily with a smile still on her face. I loved spending time with my cousin whenever she wasn't busy, which wasn't often.

Isabella was my dearest and favourite prima, or cousin. She was my Tia Camila's only daughter. They are both staying with us until Tia Camila could get a stable job. Isabella's father had a serious drinking problem and whenever he was angry or upset he would take out his anger on Tia Camila.

One night he hurt Tia Camila very badly. She decided she had had enough. She quietly packed her and Isabella's bags and left the house in the middle of the night. Around midnight we found them on our doorstep. They were begging for a place to stay. Mama gave them both a big hug and told them that we were a family and that they could stay with us for as long as they wanted. We have not seen Isabella's father since then.

I walked down the rest of the corridor. I came to the end where my bedroom was. I turned the knob on the door and looked around my room. I had painted the walls sage green and hung pictures of my loving family in white frames. I had also decorated the walls with fake vines hanging from the walls and some fairy lights that I had hung on the wall in front of my desk. My desk had my textbooks, laptop, pencil case and various other things on it. I loved being able to decorate my own room. No one was allowed in without my permission, even Mama and Papa. I made sure that was always the case.

I walked over to my wardrobe and slowly opened it in search of my favourite fur coat.

"Oh there it is!" I exclaimed as I found it at last under a pair of pink cargo trousers that I hardly ever wore. Then I closed the cupboard and slowly pulled on the coat. Feeling amazing, I posed in the mirror like a celebrity. I always dreamed of being an actress. Mama always said it was a waste of time and that I should follow in her footsteps and run the family restaurant, but that wasn't my passion. I realised I should probably get going. Isabella would probably have finished getting ready by now.

I rushed out of my bedroom door, accidentally leaving it half open. I hope Elena doesn't decide  to snoop around in my bedroom I thought. I ran down the stairs, almost tripping, and ran to the front door to put on my trainers.

Isabella came down the stairs seconds later, also slipping on her trainers.

"Sorry, did I take too long?" she asked, nervously.

"Oh, not at all! In fact, I only just got here myself," I laughed.

"Oh, I had a feeling you'd been here for a while, but I'm glad you weren't." she smiled and I smiled back.

"So, shall we leave?" I said as I tied up my shoelaces and got to my feet.

"Yes, we should," she said as she opened the front door, "before your Mama tells you off for still being here.

"Yeah, you're probably right." I replied as I stepped out the front door. Isabella said goodbye to Tia Camila and we both walked away from the house, heading further down the street.

Note from Author: Hope you liked it if there's anything you recommend please let me know! The next part will be released shortly. Have a nice day/night! :D
-Love Dani <33

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