Chapter 1: A Strange Encounter...(Part 2)

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In the distance I could see warm light bursting out a store. People were walking in and out of it swiftly however it didn't look too busy. Although I wasn't surprised, even the streets were empty. People were shut in their houses turning on heaters and radiators. It was quite chilly today. Even though we were in the middle of Spring, it's funny how the weather works sometimes. My favourite season is Summer, I loved feeling the hot rays of the sun hitting my skin, going to the beach and building sandcastles and most of all I loved feeling the soft sand between my toes.

"It looks like the shop is closing," Isabella said. I turned to her and saw her squinting at the store and straining her eyes trying to see whether or not it was closing.

"But we still haven't bought the drinks, Mama will kill me if we don't," I replied.

"There's only one solution left for this,"

"What is it then?"

"You're not going to like it.."

"Oh stop stalling and just tell me already!"

"WE RUN!" she shouted and began sprinting down the pavement. At that moment in time I really thought she should join the track team in school, she'd be an excellent addition to their team. She could even be one of the fastest, who knows? I tried to run after her but she was too far away and I eventually gave up.

Walking down the street at this hour alone was very eerie. I thought I could get kidnapped, or worse killed. I still had so many things I wanted to do in life. I couldn't just die. But all of that was probably just inside my head. I had now gained most of my energy back and decided to start running again, but then I felt something very weird and uncomfortable, I don't know how to describe it. But I felt like I was being..watched? I looked around me only to see a man slipping away behind a wall in a dark alleyway across the street. I'm going to die aren't I? Curse you Bella! Why did you have to leave me? I thought.

I ran like I never had before and reached the front of the shop. I flung open the door and rushed inside, almost tripping over a fur mat. Isabella was standing there giggling, it was as if she had the hiccups.

"What are you laughing about?" I asked.

"Oh nothing," she replied smirking.

"It's definitely something, and look at your smug face! Is it me you're laughing at?" I frowned angrily.

"Maybe.. aw cmon it took you so long to get here! I couldn't help but laugh,"

"Oh I'm sorry that I wasn't build with a car motor inside of me," I said rolling my eyes. "Do you drink petrol instead of water or something?"

"Don't be silly nobody does, but enough chit-chat let's go get our thing and leave, okay?"

"Yeah, I'm going to go to the drinks aisle, you go to the candy one and I'll meet you at the tills?"

"Okay, see ya!" she said beginning to walk away.

I walked through the bakery and desert aisle and the aroma which came from it was almost heavenly. As I was trying to peel my eyes away from them I suddenly bumped into a middle-aged looking man. I couldn't see his face quite clearly but he had Jet black hair with many streaks of grey in it.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry sir, are you alright?" I asked nervously.

"Yes yes I'm fine," he said bending over to reach for his hat.

"Here I've got it," I said picking it up for him, but when I looked up at his face, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was..him. He'd found us? How could he have? We didn't leave any traces for him. I was speechless and beyond words. I could barely breathe.

"Hello Marie," he snickered.

"H-Hello Tio M-Manuel.." I stammered. I could barely open my mouth and my teeth chattered as I said it.

"Oh good, glad to know you still remember me, by any chance is my beloved wife here or maybe my daughter?"

"N-no I came here alone,"

"Alone? I know your Mama and she rarely lets you out of her sight,"

"Uh..she made an exception today,"

"Enough excuses, tell me where they are,"

I couldn't open my mouth. So I did the only thing I could. I ran to the tills and found Isabella.
"Marie what's going on? Why didn't you get the drinks?"

"No time to explain!" I grabbed her arm and I dragged her back up the way we came, I was getting tired but I didn't want to stop. Not until we were at our house, our doorstep. I was so frightened I didn't even dare turn around and check if he had chased us down.

Suddenly Isabella stopped running and I sat down on the ground feeling tiredness I'd never felt before.

"Marie what was that? I didn't even pay for these sweets!" Isabella frowned.

"I-I saw someone inside of the store," I panted.

"What a clown?" she rolled her eyes.


"Who's him, you have to be more specific!"

"Manuel..Tio Manuel.."

"P-Papa..he was there?"


"Are you sure?"

"One hundred Percent,"

"Let's go home and tell Mama and Tia Carmen,"

We continued running home until we were completely out of breath. I felt like my lungs would explode! At last, we were at our doorstep, we rang the bell and Sofia answered it.

"Hey guys, are you both sick? You're sweating like crazy," she sighed "Los niños de hoy en día" she was saying kids these days but she was only a few years older then us.

Note from Author: Hope you liked this part of the story! If there's anything you recommend please let me know in the comments! The next part will be released in a few days or so! Have a nice day/night! :D
-Love Dani <33

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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