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TW: homophobia, transphobia, fighting, cussing!!!

When you arrived at the park, there were very few people there. You sat down on a stone and looked around. You still were bored and didn't really know what to do, so you just watched the people around you. You saw a tall brown haired guy. Wilbur? Wasn't he at the meeting? Why was he here? Next to him was a shorter, blond haired girl with a pink top and a black skirt. He was holding his arm around her shoulder and smiling. For some unknown reason, it hurt to see. You wanted to cry. You didn't know why you were feeling this way, you knew he was straight after all. So why did you still get jealous when seeing him clearly happy with a girl? You knew he wasn't gay. You knew that was probably his crush. And honestly the girl didn't look too bad. It would make sense for him to like her. He was straight. Why did it still hurt you to see him happy with a girl? You were just a stupid idiot who liked a dude that wasn't even NEARLY gay. You knew that you liking him was one sided and he probably just likes this girl. Why were you jealous? You stood up from the stone, at the purge of crying, and made your way back home. When you came home again, you immediately ran to your room and cried. You didn't really know why exactly as you for sure knew that he was 100% straight, like legitimately, he was extremely straight. He wasn't gay at all. So why were you sad? You cried yourself to sleep that night. Next morning you woke up and realized that you have new notifications from Wilbur. You weren't smiling when you opened discord, instead you had a big frown on your face. You were still thinking about yesterday.

Wilbur: Hello, y/n. How are you? Do you want to come over to me today I don't have anything to do?<3
Me: Uh. I'm fine. I'll come over ig.
Wilbur: Uh...ok? See you there<3
Me: Yeah.

You didn't really want to see him, but you decided that you should probably ask him if he has a gf. So you got dressed and went to his house. „Oh hello, y/n! You look good!" he greeted you. „Thanks I guess." you sat down on the couch again. He came and sat next to you. „So uh you got a girlfriend now, huh?" you asked. „W-Wha-Y/n? I don't have a girlfriend! Where did you get that from?!" he looked irritated. „Cmon. It's fine. I saw you at the park with her yesterday, when you were having your supposed 'meeting'." „Wha-OH. Y/n. That-that wasn't my girlfriend. That was some stupid fan who asked for a photo of us, and I was at walking to the meeting!" „Yuh. Sure. That's why you held her like that." „Y/n? Are you getting jealous or- that was for the photo!" „N-No! I'm-I'm not jealous- just...wanted to know... but if it's a fan then cool I guess..." „Sounds like you are jealous." he said and placed his arm around your shoulder in the same way. „Better like this?" he asked as he smirked. „Uh...m-maybe..." you were clearly blushing hardcore. Why did he just- You got butterflies again. He looked at you, smiling. „Let's go for a walk to the park!" you two stood up and got ready for a walk. You decided to put on a crop tin and some black jeans. „Looks cute!" Wilbur said. „Don't forget the keys, Will." „I won't y/n." Whilst walking there, he once again swung his arm around yours in the same position as with the fan. He also was laughing the same way whilst doing so. „Y/n, how come your WAY shorter than me. Like your what- 6 feet? Pah." „I'm not short, your just really fucking tall Wilbur." „Might be, shortie." „Shut it or else you'll be known as tallbur." you both giggled. You arrived at the beach, there were almost no people there, but the ones that were there, gave you weird looks. „Hey, sexy. Are you a boy or a girl? I'd honestly be gay for you anyway. As long as you'd fuck me." you heard some creep say. Apparently Will heard him too, cause he said „Get the fuck off of my boyfriend, bitch. He's mine." He obviously just said that to keep the guy away from you, but you still felt some butterflies in your stomach. Alone the fact that he even cared to defend you gave you them. Well, it seemed to have worked, as the guy turned away and whispered „Whatever gay little f*g." Wilbur also had to have heard that little comment aswell, cause he was getting angry. „What the fuck did you just say to me and him? What the fuck did you say? No, no 'I said nothing UwU' WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY TO US? SPEAK LOUDER. What did you just fucking say. WHAT DID YOU FUCKING SAY?!" He yelled. The other two people were watching us, they looked like they were on the creeps side tho. „I CALLED YOU A FUCKING F*G. A DIRTY LITTLE F*GGOT. WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT THAT, HUH. GO CRY WITH YOUR LITTLE BULLSH*T BOYFRIEND IN YOUR RAINBOW PAINTED HOUSE?!" Wilbur wasn't having it. He punched the guy in the face. „HOLY- OW!!!! EVERYONE THIS GUY IS ASSULTING ME FOR NO REASON AT ALL. I WAS JUST MAKING A NICE COMMENT ON HIS BOYFRIEND ABOUT HOW GOOD HE LOOKED AND NOW HE IS ASSULTING ME." the guy yelled. „THERE FOR SURE IS A FUCKING REASON-" „Hey- W-Will... just leave him alo-" „Y/n... step back." he said. Shit. Fucking shit. Wilbur had gotten into a fucking fight over you. You heard the two people scream „FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" from behind you. Suddenly, the man slapped Will hardly in the face. It left a red mark on his cheek. „FUCKING LITTLE GAY F*GGOT." the man screamed. You saw that Wilbur was clearly in pain. „AND, SO? EVEN IF I MIGHT BE A FUCKING GAY F*GGOT, WHAT IS THE PROBLEM?" „THAT YOU ARE GAY. BET YOUR BOYFRIEND PROBABLY IS TRANS HAHA." „WELL YEAH NO SHIT HE FUCKING IS." „YOU MEANT THAT SHE IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND WHO IS HAVING A STUPID TOMBOY PHASE." „I MEANT THAT YOU ARE A DICKHEAD THATS HAVING A BIG DUDE HAS TO STAND UP FOR HIMSELF PHASE, BITCH. GET IT RIGHT." the dude hit him again. He hit him so hard, his nose started bleeding. All of the people had left already. You really wanted to help, but you didn't know how. „PLEASE STOP FIGHTING GUYS-" you yelled. „PAH. DIDNT KNOW THE TRANS BITCH COULD SPEAK." the guy said. „Y/n I am being serious...STEP BA-" Wilbur got hit AGAIN. This time it was his stomach. He fell to the ground. „FUCK YOU." he yelled, crying. It hurt for you to see. „HAHAHAHAHA. FINALLY THE DIRTY LITTLE PEASANT IS ON THE GROUND. DOES THE F*G ASK ME FOR FORGIVENESS?! OR DOES HE WANT TO GET BEATEN TO DEATH." „THERES NO FUCKING WAY THAT ILL ASK SOME HOMO AND TRANSPHOBIC DICK FOR FORGIVENESS. GO ON, KILL ME. I WONT FUCKING GIVE UP." you started crying aswell. You saw how hurt Wilbur was, he was laying on the ground, punched and slapped multiple times, bleeding nose, tears rolling down his cheeks, screaming. All cause of you. Fucking stupid you. „HAH YOU CANT DEFEND YOURSELF ANYWAY ANYMORE." the creep STEPPED ON WILBURS HANDS. He screamed in pain. He knew he was defenseless. He couldn't get up, he couldn't fight back, he couldn't get help. He was just a dirty freak on the floor. Getting stepped on, slapped, hit. The man even kicked him in the crouch. Will curled up into a ball. He was balling his eyes out. It was really painful to watch him. Really painful. „YOUR A DIRTY LITTLE F*G. NOW ATLEAST YOU FEEL LIKE ONE." The dude stepped on Wilbur and kicked him around a bit. He gave him a hit in the face again. „STOP! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO HIM!" you screamed. You ran up to the guy and gave him a smack in the face. „DO YOU REALLY WANT TO END UP LIKE HIM?" the guy threatened. „STOP FUCKING DOING THIS." „AWWW DID YOU HEAR? YOUR GIRLFRIEND WANTS TO PROTECT YOU FROM ME. HOW CUTE OF HER." he looked back at Will. He looked up. You saw his face. It looked horrific. And he looked horrified.„IM NOT A FUCKING GIRL." you hit him again. You got your phone out and tried to call the cops, but he smacked it out of your hand. „HEY, NO COPS. IF U REALLY THINK YOUR A MAN, THEN HANDLE THIS LIKE ONE." you looked at the phone, shattered. You couldn't get help. It was 1am and you were helplessly fighting some creep. Wilbur had passed out. You decided to scream for help, as the man held you tight and wasn't going to let you go anyway. „HELP HELP ME IM IN THE PARK AND A MAN IS ASSULTING ME AND MY FRIEND HE-" he held his hand tightly over your mouth. You felt like you were being kidnapped, even though you weren't, the guy just didn't want you to run away. „You better shut you fucking mouth or else I will do the same to you as I did to your boyfriend." he threatened. You saw Will, still passed out on the hard stone floor. 10 minutes went by like this. 10 minutes. Then, a bulk dude came and hit the fuck out of that guy. He called the cops aswell and stayed with us until they arrived.

TIMESKIP: Back at Wilbur's house, two hours after the cops brought you and the guy to the station.

„Hey, Will. How are you?" you sat next to him on the couch. „Ah goddd. Everything hurts." he complained. „I have a HORRIBLE headache, my nose and lips and cheeks are hurting, my back is hurting, my stomach hurts, my crouch is killing me and my eye is literally swollen." he added. „Yeah that guy was a fucking bitch..." „How are you, y/n? I passed out, but I heard that you tried to stand up for me and then he threatened with doing the same to you as he did to me." he looked at you and smiled as far as he could. „Oh don't worry about me. The guy just held me so I wouldn't run away. He didn't hurt me." Wilbur carefully slipped his hand onto yours. You were getting the butterflies again. „Y/n. If the nice dude described it right, then you did get assaulted. I'm so sorry for being so stupid and getting angry over some dumb homophobic little comment, I shouldn't have done that. I caused the fight and didn't even win. What a loser I am." He said. „N-no. Wilbur, you are seriously amazing for standing up for me. I just shouldn't have gotten the crop top on. I should have worn one in the first place. My fault." „No. The crop top looks amazing on you. It's also not your fault at all. I brought us both into this and I'm sorry." he hugged you.


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