It was 11:55 at night....a woman was sprawled on the king side bed on her stomach. Long lush hair open, wild spread on the silk pillow case and a soft comforter over her while the air conditioner was cooling the room and a peaceful smile adorning the face full of soft features, she was not asleep just her eyes were closed.......This was Sehej❤️
However there was a small depression beside her that was empty with someone's pillow and soft toy which belonged to Gurbani ❤️
And beside that another empty space which was relatively untouched and better tucked for Dr. Virk ❤️
It was just at 11: 59 that the bedroom door opened, entered Meher holding a plate with cake on it which was lit with candles.....behind her was Kunal with the two monkeys in his arms, Kanan and Gurbani both 7.5 and 7 years old followed by dadu,dadi,bade mumma,bade papa and mummy -papa.......the sound made Sehej smile and move.
Just as it hit 12 they started singing "happy birthday" in unison all happy and clapping.
Which made Sehej finally get up and look at her beautiful family with her gorgeous smile.
Meher place the cake on the bed as the two monkeys cawled towards Sehej who made them sit on either side of her lap, her arms going around both of them securely.
She smiled with wet eyes looking at her loving family who had nothing but affection in their eyes for her.
"Mumma" whined Gurbani " Uo kbew Kya? " (You knew na?) She asked seeing no ounce of sleep in her mother's eyes as every one finished singing and looking at the cute exchange of the mother and daughter.
Laughing Sehej kissed both Kanan's and Bani's head. " Puttar I knew from the moment you kept asking me the time and then kept the soft toy in my arm after crawling down the bed and going out of the room."
Laughing at the adorable srunch that bani made....Meher said " Aww no problem bachha , now let's cut the cake."
"Yessss.." hooted everyone as they clapped when Sehej cut the cake as Gurbani and Kanan held her hand.
"This carld ishh from usshhh." They both said in a cute accent.
"Hain...this is the bestest birthday gift I could have asked for... thank you Mera bachhas". She said crushing them in a hug.
Feeding both of them the cake, she got up and fed dadu dadi the cake and was about to touch their feet when they hugged her.
" have made this house a heaven on real sense." Said dadu as dadi nodded and kissed her on the forehead.
Handing her the Shagan, dadi blessed her....after which she fed the cake to bade mumma and papa who hugged her and blessed her.
"This is for you betaji" said bade papa as he and bade mumma handed her a box which had a pair of beautiful earrings.
"These are beautiful" she whispered looking at them.
"Thank you" she hugged them tightly.
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