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After Misty passed out, he gently picked her up Briday-style and carried her back to the boat

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After Misty passed out, he gently picked her up Briday-style and carried her back to the boat. He lays her down gently and goes back out onto the deck. "So let's talk about what just happened to her in there?" Nami asked while sitting down. Zoro leaned on the railing: "Before we started fighting Buggy, she told me that if she lost control, I should kill her. So I don't think this is the first time something like this has happened." Luffy furrowed his eyebrows, "Is it powers from a devil fruit?" Nami and Zoro shook their heads. "When we were taken away, she told us that she was born with these powers. It seems like nobody taught her to control them," Nami told Luffy what they knew about her.

~next morning~

"IT'S READY!" Misty was startled from her sleep. She sleepily stuck her head out from inside the boat and was greeted with a flag. "Misty, look, I made us a flag," he said, pointing at the flag. "And which pirates are we now?" Misty asked. Luffy pointed out his hat. "Straw Hat Pirates?" Misty asked. Luffy nodded eagerly and grinned. Zoro came to her and gave her a fruit that was on the ship. She smiled at him gratefully. He gave her a small grin. Misty turned to Nami: "Where to now?" Nami pointed to an area on her map: "Gecko Island, or rather Syrup Village. There we can stock up on supplies and maybe find a new ship because now Mariene knows which ship we're on."

~time skip~

The four friends had docked at Syrup Village harbor and were making their way to the village. When they came through the gate into the village, they stopped in front of a board with wanted posters. We all stared at Buggy's wanted poster. "You got to be kidding me. That clown was worth 15 Million Berry? We should have stuffed his head in a bag and brought it with us." Zoro mumbled. Misty grinned and looked down at Luffy who was lying with his legs up against the board. We waited for Nami, who was looking for ships. "There are so many nice shops here that I'd like to take a look at." Misty said while eyeing a shop that sold old stuff. "I can go with you and we'll meet Nami and Luffy at the port." Zoro suggested. Misty looked at him with bright eyes and Zoro had to admit to himself that Misty's personality was cute and he wanted to get to know her better.

"See you then Luffy.", Misty said goodbye to Luff and pulled Zoro with her. Before leaving with her, he tore off Buggy's wanted poster and followed Misty into the store. The store was stocked with books, clothes, jewelry, and other things and it smelled like old books. Zoro didn't really know what to do here but stayed close to Misty. Misty picked up a book and looked at it. From what Zoro could see it was a book of poetry. She tucked it under her arm and continued to look around. She picked up a chain with a fang and looked at it. Zoro stepped next to her: "Would you like to have her?" Misty looked up at him and nodded. Zoro took the necklace and also the book and went to the old lady who owned the shop and paid for her things, nobody knew where he got the money from.

When both were back outside, Zoro asked if he should put the chain on her, to which she said yes. Misty turned around and brushed her hair out so he wouldn't rip some out. He gently put the necklace around her and gently stroked her neck, which sent goosebumps down her back. She turned to him: "Thank you." The two looked at each other for a moment without saying anything. "Umm, we should meet with the others." Misty said after a short while after the two had looked at each other for a while. Zoro scratched his neck and nodded. The two made their way to the port.

We arrived at the port and saw Nami, Luffy, and someone we didn't know. "Hey you two, this is Ussop, he can get us a deal with the owner of this ship." Luffy greeted us.

"So are we breaking into her house or what?" Misty asked Ussop as he escorted her to a house. Ussop turned to her: "Don't break in, talk." The house was huge and the garden well tended and stocked with extravagant bush statues. "All this for just one person?" Luffy asked while leaning against the fountain. Ussop shook his head: "Well, she lives here with her bulter and a few other staff." While the four were talking, Misty walked over to a bush that looked like a panda. They started walking towards the house and Misty followed them.

I was startled when a knife flew towards us. I grabbed the knife by the blade and threw it back again: "Is that how you greet your guests?" The fat man who threw the knife was amazed. The fat man and a blue-haired woman approached us: "The Hell are you doing here, Ussop?" Embarrassed, Ussop turned to him: "Buchi, buddy, uh, Kaya's expecting me." The fat man grabbed him and the blue-haired woman raised her broom?

"USSOP?" a female voice called from behind us. A young girl with blond hair and a pink dress walked towards them, accompanied by a bespectacled man, most likely her butler. Ussop and she seemed to know each other as she was very happy to see him. She looked sick but was incredibly pretty.

The two talked until Ussop pointed to his new friends. "It's so nice to meet you. You all must stay for dinner." She said with the friendliest smile. Misty was the first to move. She held out her hand to the young woman: "Misty, nice to meet you." The woman smiled and took the hand: "Kaya, the pleasure is all mine."

Luffy, Nami, Zoro, and Misty were taken to a dressing room. "What are we even supposed to wear?" Luffy asked who was sitting in the middle of the room while Nami and Misty changed. Nami went first while I was still fiddling with my dress. "Hey Zoro, what are you gonna wear?" Luffy asked Zoro, who apparently just walked in. "Something Black," he replied. Zoro came behind the curtain to change and saw Misty in her dress. "And, how do I look?", she asked Zoro. He just looked at her, a little embarrassed. "It suits you," he said, "Are you ready? I'd like to change as well." Misty stepped out to her friends and waited for Zoro.

As the celebration began, Luffy and Ussop immediately grabbed the food. Misty held back a bit because she had a bad feeling since they had changed. Zoro came to her and offered her a glass of champagne. "I don't drink thanks." She declined. Zoro raised an eyebrow and drank it himself. "That butler, does he look familiar?" he asked her quietly. Misty nodded: "I've also had a bad feeling since we changed our clothes as if at any moment this wonderful illusion would burst and a great disaster would happen."

And she should be right.

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