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Desperate knocks and a deep low tone voice calling, almost whispering his name is what wakes Yedam up from exhaustion, He's been putting an all nighter(s) for the past weeks prior to his upcoming SOLO DEBUT.. He don't even remember the last time he actually had a full eighth hours sleep, not even five is doable cuz he's really working hard and doing his best to put out quality music.

He groggily rise from the sofa, realizing he didn't make it to his bed, He's currently staying in a new flat he gifted himself. It's his little haven, his escape, His own space.... Away from everyone and everything that reminds him of the things that no matter what continue to cling onto him like a handcuffs, He hasn't really moved in permanently, He still goes home everyday cuz he just couldn't get enough of his mom's cooking.

He stumbled instantly as he pace to get to the door, He feels like levitating at the moment, He can't even feel his own legs for a second, With a yawn he shakes his head to wake himself fully but failing, Contemplating whether to get the door or go back to his slumber but the constant inaudible noises coming from outside is more compelling than his desire to continue dreaming...

Slowly while mumbling "WAIT UP, I'M COMING.." He headed for the door. It was too dark, He forgot to turn on the lights when he arrived, He figured, almost diving onto the marbled floor when he accidentally walk into a box he best believed all his vynil disc were packed and organized. He definitely need to clean up first thing in the morning, He mentally noted before he proceeds to check the person who's making such noise outside.

Just when he's about to open the door, it hits him.... That voice, He recognized him despite of the broken tone that harbor such longing, He knows him(by heart).... better than anyone even if he tries to deny or forget him. He closes his eyes but it was a bad idea cuz even in the darkest pitch of his blinded vision he can see him clearly, He can picture him vividly. Haruto's face that broke him completely. That very last time they met still lingers into the core of his memory.

He immediately tag onto his chest, suppressing the ache that all along he thought has subsided, Indeed the only broken thing that can be fixed is your heart but his failed at that. Almost a year or two, He don't even remember but the heartache is now again fresh. He heard himself whimper so he cups his mouth so hard, his fingernails almost sink under his skin, afraid that the guy behind the door would hear him, He can't afford that.

"Yedam-ah, its me.... I know you're in there.... Open your door, JEBAL...." Haruto weeped painfully, clutching his chest as if that would keep it from breaking further and apart.

"Hanbeonman.... Jebal jom...." He begged,Not caring about his disfigured posture as he leans himself fully against the cold door that's been shunned for the entire 5 hours that he stood there waiting and hoping that it would open soon, He don't mind if the owner doesn't let him in, He just really want to see him.

Afraid that his insanity would make him forget how beautiful the older looks like.

Everyday he missed and longs for him, not a day goes by that he doesn't think about Yedam and what could've been.... Everyday without him Haruto is losing it, moreover he's losing himself and losing his shit.

Madness starts residing upon him, there were times where he just space out, like as if he's in a trance, DAZED and unfazed, worrying everyone around him but he couldn't help it, Its not an exaggeration to admit Yedam is his lifeline that when he left and so does Haruto's will to live.

"I know you can hear me Yedami.... please.... just please open up for me...." He cried helplessly making the latter tear up as he breaks down from the wrenching heartache that has been tormenting him to the bones.

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