Time Off

892 24 5

Allison's POV
  Returning from the show has been nothing but exhausting for Rhea, as people we're constantly coming up to her and asking for pictures. As we made our way to the baggage claim Rhea went to grab the rental that we had as we had an hour and half drive home. As I was waiting for my bag, I saw a little girl sitting all by herself on the seat by the window. I could help but notice that she had dirty clothes on and had a backpack and I'm guessing her favorite blanket with her. She looked at me as she quickly got up and walked over to me. She had to be no more than 3 or 4 years old as she had the biggest blue eyes. I knelt down as she stood next to me. "Hey little one, Where are your parents at huh?" She just looked at me frightened and then shook her head as she looked back at me. "Did they just leave you here sweetheart." She just shrugged her shoulders as she walked closer to me as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I was taken back but I picked her up in my arms as she leaned her head against my shoulder as I just rubbed her back. "Baby, what is going on here?" I turned around as Rhea looked at me and the little girl in my arms as she stared at Rhea. "Baby, I think she was abandoned here. I found her over there looking like this and she just came up to me and crawled into my arms . I didn't know what else to do. She looked so scared babe." Rhea took a step closer as she looked at the little girl in my arms and then the bag on the chair. I watched as the little girl stretched her arms out to Rhea , who didn't hesitate to hold her. I saw Rhea wince in pain but started to rock  the little one back and forth. I gave Rhea a worried look as she gave me one back, trying to figure out what we are going to do. I grabbed our bags and went over to grab the little ones as well, looking in it to see nothing to contact anyone. "Nothing in her bag babe, I think she was left here on purpose. Who would do such a thing to this sweet girl." I looked back at Rhea who had the little one asleep in her arms as we walked towards the police officer by the door. " Excuse me , I think we need your help with a situation." The female officer came over to us as we explained the situation to her as she looked at the little one and then back to Rhea. "Let me call CPS and see what they are going to want to do here.Do you mind hanging around for a while." We shook our heads as I looked back over to Rhea with sad eyes. " Baby we can't just leave her , look at her. She's already smitten with you." I reached my hand over as I rubbed the little girls back as she snuggled more into Rheas neck. "Honey, we can't just take her , that's not okay, but I know what you mean. We just have to see what happens okay.I don't want your hopes up if  it's not what you're hoping for." She gave me a serious look, as she knew I was getting my hopes up to take her home with us. The officer comes back as she has a sad look on her face. "Cps is going to come pick her up from the station, I can take her from you or if your comfortable with it, you could put her in the cruiser. She seems to feel safe with you as she was able to fall asleep." The officer started to walk towards where her cruiser was parked. "Yeah, I can do it without a problem." Rhea followed the officer as I followed closely behind with the bags in hand. I watched as she grabbed a booster seat or something out of her trunk as she placed it in the back seat for so Rhea could put her down. I watched as Rhea tired to lift her up and into the car but she started to cry and cling on to Rhea, who was now clearly in pain. I walked over as she reached out for me to take her as I walked her around for a minute as she looked around laying her head on my shoulder . "Look you have to go into the car with the nice lady okay, and then we will see you so soon okay." Her big blue eyes met mine as they reminded me a lot of Rheas, she pouted her lip as I held her close to me. "Ally." I felt Rheas hand on my shoulder as I turned around placing the little girl on the seat while she cried and held on as I buckled her in. I grabbed her hands softly as a i broke the grip she had, placing a small kiss on her hand . I quickly walked away as Rhea tried to grab me as she saw the tears in my eyes. Rhea talked to the officer as I stood by the bags , hearing the little one screaming for me and Rhea. "Come here." I fell into Rheas chest as she wrapped her arms around me laying her head on top of mine. "I know you wanted to take her home babe but we have to do what is right. We can start looking into starting a family this week okay. I know that it was a hard situation but we have to do it right." I didn't say anything as I held Rhea tighter for a moment longer before we left to head back to the new house. Priest and Finn both helped us with moving things and getting it livable while Rhea was in the hospital.   Rhea drove the whole way there as I laidback listening to her music as she held my hand the entire time. "I gave the lady my number as she said if it true that she was abandoned, then CPS can gave me a call and we can go from there okay." I gave her a small smile as I laid my head back in the sit and looked out the window.
We pulled into a neighborhood that was beautiful. The houses looked simple and modern as there was a huge lake in the middle of the development. Rhea pulled into the house that we bought and it was absolutely gorgeous to look at. It was a beautiful grey color with 2 black garage doors, a fenced in porch and a swing. "This is absolutely beautiful, I can't believe it's our home now." Rhea was in awe of the house as we've never seen it in person before. "Here put this on" I handed her a purple Bandanna as she looked at me sideways. "Please, It's a surprise that I had done for you." She huffed slightly as she put the bandanna over her eyes and grabbed my hands as I lead her to the garage. I punched in the code and the door went up revealing her truck but also the brand new gym that I had designed for her here at the house as well as a sauna and another double door fridge and freezer. I walked her through so she stood in the middle of everything as I gently pulled off the bandanna as she opened her eyes slowly. She looked around in awe as she saw a black painted garage with Led lights. She looked at all the equipment that I had bought as she was completely set, from free weights, to squat rack , cable machine, lat pull down and more. "Surprise." I said as she looked over at everything with a huge smile on her face. "I don't know what to say , this is amazing. I love it." She walked over to me as she pulled me into a tight embrace. We walked into the rest of the house and saw that the furniture we've bought was all set up and a lot of our things were hung up and put away. "The guys did all of this?" I nodded at her as we made our way upstairs to the master bedroom. "The guys, Liv and Raquel as well as Becky and Seth. They all asked me if they could do this for us so when it came time for you to come home we were partly moved in. I know we will want to paint the rooms and hand more things up but this is a start." I opened the door to our master bedroom as it was twice the size of our old one which allowed us to have the massive bed , a our two dressers, A vanity for me and then a massive Tv on the wall. Walking around Rhea was in awe of the house and what it entails for us now as a married couple. In the bathroom it had the two double sinks, a deep bath tub and a spacious walk in shower . As well we each had our own closet that had all of our clothes hung up and organized. "Liv was definitely here for sure . She arranged my clothes by style and then by color." I heard ashes laughing as she walked into her closet. I walked into mine as I had Raquel put a few pictures I had made for us to hand up in there. I walked back out to the bedroom as Rhea laid on the bed in content. "Here these are for you." She sat up as she took the two large canvases in her hands and unwrapped them. The first on was when Rhea won her title and held me in her arms with the title above her head. I saw the warm smile appear on her face as she looked down at it like it was yesterday. The next one was a more risky photo that I had done a while back for Rhea but never was able to give it to her. I saw her eyes go wide as she looked up at me. I shot her a wink as she looked back down at the picture. It was a picture of me in Rheas favorite lingerie set sitting in my knees with her Wrestlemania collar on. " You expect me to have this hanging up for everyone to see you." She cocked her eyebrow at me as I saw her face turn serious as dominance oozed out of her. " You don't like it?" I asked her with a hint of sarcasm in my voice as she placed both pictures next to her night stand, taking her time to walk over to me. "I don't like it, I LOVE it. but I think the only person who should be seeing you in that position and collar is me , begging for me to touch you." She close to me as I felt her fingers drag up my skin and her breath against my ear as she kissed it. I shivered as I closed my eyes letting out a breath I had been holding. "Begging for me to kiss you, Hearing you scream in pleasure as I'm the one making you feel so good. Begging for me to keep going, don't stop. Hearing that pretty voice of yours screaming my name as I'm in between your legs." I didn't even realize that she was walking me backwards until I fell onto the bed as she crawled up to me. Her hands running up my sides as she grabbed my wrist placing them above my head. Her lips trailing on all of the skin I had showing as I watched her , panting slightly. "You want people to see you like that." She ran her hand underneath my shirt as she roughly grabbed my sides, letting out a soft moan from my throat. "Do you not know who you belong to? Answer me princess." I smiled at her as she sat up for a moment allowing me to use it against her as I flipped her over , straddling her hips as I leaned on my elbows close to her face . "I don't know who you think you are. But I'm not no damn Princess. I'm a fucking queen, most importantly I'm your fucking queen." I closed the gap between us as Rhea kissed me back instantly with as much passion as I did. I felt her hands travel from my hips to my ass as she squeezed it roughly through my shorts, making me drop my hips more against her. she ran her hands up on to my back as she lifted my shirt , breaking the kiss to then leaving me in my bra and shorts. She trailed her one hand over my front as she teased my nipple over my sports bra. I moaned into mouth as she cupped both of my breast and massaged them for a moment as her hand went further down.  She slide her hand in my shorts as I gasped slightly which she took advantage of as her tongue invade my mouth. I broke the kiss as I felt her rubbing circles against me as I moaned into her neck as she let out a deep laugh. " So needy for me." I wrapped my hand into her long black hair pulling it as I felt her thrust two fingers in me. " Oh baby." I moaned as I held her closer to me as she picked up her pace , curling her fingers hitting every single spot. I was so close but she pulled out fast and rolled me off of her . I laid there in shock as I watched her strip herself and walked over to the bottom dresser. "Let's hope that no one touched my stuff . What my queen, are you frustrated?" I sighed as I ripped off my shorts as well as my bra and made my way back on the bed as I spread my legs wide for her. She watched as she bit her lip slightly, opening the drawer smiling as she grabbed something. "You're gonna have to help me out with this one as I can't really do much because of my abdomen." She walked back over to the bed as she laid the harness and strap down on the bed. I felt a wave of confidence come over me as I crawled towards her and sitting on my knees wrapping my one arm around her neck pulling her back into a heated kiss. I trailed my other hand over her stomach as I felt her tense under me as she pulled away. I stared as her as I wanted to see what she was feeling as I searched her face for any signs of pain but was met with fear. "Hey, Hey look at me . Baby look at me." She flashed her blue eyes at mine as if life came back to her again. "Let me take the pain away, Let me make you feel good baby." I leaned towards her as she finally met me half way as she pulled me closer to her by my hips. I traced my fingers over her hips as I inched closer, hearing her breathing go deeper as I pulled away but kissing her neck instead. I ran my fingers through her folds as she was dripping for me, hearing a very soft moan escape from her. I started slowly as i circled her clit ,heading the moans and deep breaths escape her mouth. " You're so beautiful my love ." I whispered into her ear as I slowly entered two fingers as she dug her nails into my lower back. "mmmm, you're so tight babe." She moaned louder as I picked up my pace as I kissed my was down her chest , taking her left nipple into my mouth while her hand tangled into my hair pulling me closer . As I picked up my pace, Rhea leaned more on the bed as I could tell her knees were going weak, I pulled out my fingers, licking them clean in front of her. She pushed me down on the bed as she reached for the harness and placing it on. "Mami's always on top baby. You should know this by now." I sat up on my elbows as she made her way up to me but I didn't let her come any closer. "Lay down Mami." She cocked her eye brow as her jaw locked in place . She laid down but was surprised when I threw my leg on her as I lined up her length leaning forward as my face met hers and my arms on the side of her head. Her hands instantly gripped my hips as I slowly took in her length, stretching me out as I wasn't used to the size. I watched as Rhea lips parted more as I moaned as I moved my hips slowly up and down against her, riding her as her hands guided me. I picked my pace up and while I connected my lips to hers once more as she shoved her tongue into my mouth as we both moaned. I felt a hard slap against my ass , causing me to break the kiss and bury myself in her neck as I held back screams. I felt another slap again as Rhea slammed my hips harder into her as she got deeper. "Rhea. Don't ." Was all I could say as she slapped my ass again as she started moving my hips faster against her. I sat up so I could see her as she watched me ride against her, she had a sly smile on her face. I threw my head back as I felt myself getting closer to my climax, when she grabbed my throat. " You never answered my question baby." I held her wrist as I tried to form words in my mouth but couldn't get them to come out. "Rhea please . I'm so close please." She smiled menacingly at me as she smacked my ass once again . "Answer my question." I bit my lip as I held back from trying scream as my stomach tightened and my legs were shaking. "Don't . You better hold it until I say you can." Her voice was deep and husky as I looked back down as her. "Mami, It's you. Oh god it's you Mami. Please please can I?" She smiled widely at me as she tried to push me off of her as I wined as I was so close. She crawled inbetween my legs as her tongue met my center as she flicked against my clit , causing me to jolt from it. My hand's pulled at her hair as she sucked and circled faster as My legs clinched around her head and shook. "RHEA." I arched my back as I screamed her name, she kept her pace as her arms held my thighs down and in place. I gripped the bed sheets as I held on as long as I could as she finally pulled away for a moment. "Cum for me baby." She didn't have to tell me twice as I let myself reach my climax as she slowed her pace against me , making sure that she didn't miss anything. " Oh baby we're far from over." She whispered in my ear as I felt her thrust inside of me once again. I was in for a long night.
    I woke up the next morning feeling absolutely exhausted and sore from last night. I looked down to see that Rhea was laying on my chest as she was still snoring peacefully as she held me tightly around the waist with her leg over mine. I ran my fingers through her hair as I watched her move more towards me, placing soft kisses against my skin as she woke up. "Good morning my love." I whispered to her, placing a kiss on top of her head as she nuzzled more into me.  She rolled off of me as she laid on her back holding her side slightly. " Did we push it to far last night? You feeling okay." She turned her head towards me as she smiled softly. "It's just sore babe, we didn't push it last night. I'm okay I promise." Her hand touched my cheek as she held it for a moment before she started to get up from bed. "What are the plans for the day?" I asked her as she walked into the bathroom and turning on the shower. "Well , We absolutely need to go get our dogs , grocery shopping and then you said you've been wanting to get your hair done so I thought we could go do that." I smiled as I got myself out of the bed and joined her in the shower as we both took turns washing each other and just enjoying the warm water. I wrapped my arms around her from behind as I laid my head against her back. " I love you." She turned around as she looked down at me leaning into give me a peck on the lips. "I love you more."
  I got ready and did a natural makeup look as Rhea called the dogs boarding place telling them we were coming to pick them up today.  I looked in the mirror as I wore a pair of leggings with Rheas jersey and a black tank top. I walked down stairs as Rhea sat in the living room waiting for me as she was playing on her phone. "You ready babe?" She popped up from the couch as she started heading to the garage and opened the door for me to jump into her truck. "Oh how I have missed my baby." She smiled as she started it up and began to back out of the driveway and to the hairdresser first. "What are you thinking of doing to your hair. Going shorter or dying it?" She looked at me and then back at the road as I debated if I wanted to tell her or not.  "Mmm Im doing a few things that's for sure." She just laughed as she knew I wasn't doing to tell her anything else. she parked her truck and quickly walked over to my door and helped me out of the truck and walked me into the salon. "Why don't you get Barry and Luna while I'm here . I'm sure I'll be here for a while and then I'll text you when I'm almost done." She smiled , taking out her card as she wanted to treat me, then kissing me goodbye. A younger woman comes around the corner as she motioned for me to follow her to the chair. " Hey. How are you!!" I smiled at her as she tossed my long hair to the front of me as she played with it. "I'm good how are you?" She gave me a warm smile as she looked at my hair and then back at me. " So what are we doing today, just a trim or are we doing something different." I pulled out my phone as I showed her a few ideas of what I was thinking as the smile on her face grew wider.
It's been about two hours since I got here and she was about to finish up as she started to style my hair. I texted Rhea letting her know that I was about done and she can come back to pick me up. "Alright, you ready to see the final results. I'm completely in love with this look." I shook my head excitedly as she spun the chair around as I gasped at the new look. We trimmed my hair to the mid shoulder blade and dyed my hair black but with a purple undertone. the front pieces of my hair were sliver to highlight my face. I ran my hand through my hair and admired the work she put in and tried to adjust to the new length. "I absolutely love it , It looks so amazing." She clapped her hands together as she was excited for me and walked me towards the front as Rhea just pulled in. "Such a nice looking truck that is." She pointed to Rheas black ram as she took my card. " It is hahah, that's my wife's truck actually." She looked up as Rhea walked in and her face was Priceless. "Rhea Ripley is your wife?!" I smiled as Rhea came up behind me and placed her arm over my shoulder. "I sure am!" Rhea responded as she smiled kindly at the women who handed me the card back. I tipped her generously as Rhea walked me back out to the truck when she really noticed my hair and the color. "I love the Purple baby, and the length of your hair . You look so good baby. I love this." She ran her hands through my hair as a melted into her touch. She opened the door when a fur ball jumped out of the truck crashing into me. I looked down and saw Barry whining and crying for my attention as he jumped all over me. "Oh my god , Hi baby boy. Did you miss me , huh. I missed you." He was so excited to see me as I gave him all of the attention he wanted. "Come on get in the truck buddy. Mommy wants to get out of the sun." He jumped in the truck and in the back as Luna sat on the back seat wagging her tail as she saw me. Barry came back up and sat his paws on the center console and tried to lick mine and Rheas face as we got in the truck.

The past few days have been nothing but us being lazy around the house and relaxing with each other and having time to be normal. It was pure bliss for us and I could see that Rhea was really enjoying having time away from work. Of course the guys were constantly talking to us and Raquel was updating us on everything. They have a match tomorrow night and we are going to stay home and watch it together as It's Raquel's first match as champion.

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