XIII (!)

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smut cured my writers block
smut chapter (it KINDA deviates from plot— like nothing in this chapter really advances the plot in anyway)

'mommy' title used

"Pay attention, Y/n." Your girlfriend scolds, waving her pen in the air as she leans forward on her hand. Arlecchino's snow white hair moves with her, almost covering her sharp eyes. The black bits of said hair lining it. It was now hour two after dragged you all the way out to the library for a 'study session' since you had failed to do any work after the Rosalyne situation.

But how could she expect you to focus when she showed up in such a tight long sleeved shirt that highlighted the most distracting parts of her person? Not to mention the high waisted jeans she paired with it— god, you were in heaven! It wasn't your fault!

"I'm sorry," You mumble, forcing your eyes up to her scowling face. Your own grimaces. "In my defense—"

Arlecchino shakes her head. "No. I don't want to hear it. You must focus." But you were very focused! Just...on the wrong things.

"I know, I know," Heaving a sigh you lean into your hands and cover your eyes. Maybe that way you won't gawk like a horny teenager. "I promise I'm really trying to focus— my mind is just um, distracted."

Arlecchino hums softly. "I noticed."

"Look at you adorable cuties~" A familiar sing song voice fills the atmosphere, an underlying purr as the brunette librarian leans on your table. "Getting work done in my humble abode?"

"I don't think it counts as an abode if you don't live there," You murmur, pulling your hands away from your face. Lisa shoots you a look and you quickly avert your eyes. "I mean- that's all just some english gibberish right? An abode is whatever you want! Haha..."

Lisa clears her throat. "That's what I thought. Now, answer my question. Is the atmosphere helping with your studying? I've recently tried to dim the lights a bit."

"It's lovely, Lisa," Arlecchino nods softly in her direction, before her eyes flicker to you. "However, someone can't focus enough to get any studying done at all."

"You're so sassy..." You gawk.

Lisa hums, pouting your way. "Are you still hung up on the Rosalyne issue? I know it's been a while since you've spoke and all, but you needn't worry your pretty little head about her, cutie. Grades are more important than toxic ex's." Her finger wags softly.

You shake your head. "Uh- no. It's not that. I just can't focus."

"Hm?" Lisa's eyes flicker between the two of you, a cat like smirk growing soon enough. Quiet snickers leave her. "Oh I see."

Arlecchino frowns. "What is it?"

Lisa watches you flush further and clears her throat, however her smirk never leaves. "I think sweet Y/n needs a scenery change," She nods. "Yes that'll do. I heard comfort places like... her bedroom might help her focus more easily."

"You think so?" Arlecchino quietly shuts her laptop. "Alright then. Pack up angel, we'll head back to your dorm."

"Wha- I-," You don't think twice, quickly shuffling up at an almost embarrassing rate, stuffing all of your stuff away. "Let's go..!"

Lisa snorts. "Oh my... eager to study?"

Arlecchino glances between the two of you before Liza speaks up again. "Arlecchino, if I may?" She moves forward and pushes up to whisper in her ear.

You can't make out what she's saying, but whatever it is you swear you are Arlecchino tense softly— her eyes flashing over to yours as she nods. Lisa pulls away and pats her shoulder. "Just my advice of course," She hums. "That's how my Jean passed, anyway."

mommy | a.rlecchino Where stories live. Discover now