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Eichi sat on the hospital bed, which he had woken up in countless of times before. His gaze glued on the large window to his right. It was night time. How long had he been out for? The cold evening breeze, which had entered his room through the partly opened window, hit his burning hot skin. Eichi felt his throat become dryer with every breath he took, this body of his really was useless. He soon began to violently cough, causing a nurse to rush into the room.

She offered him a glass of water, which had apparently been standing on the night stand to his left.
"Are you alright dear?"
What a stupid question. How could he be alright with a body like this?
It was already a miracle that he had managed to live long enough to enroll into high school.
Now he couldn't even go there most of the time, God must really hate him.

He lifted his right hand to get the glass the nurse was still holding out to him. He was shaking. Of course he was. What was he even expecting from his body at this point?
"Thank y-" his words were cut off by more coughing.

Once his body had decided to finally give him a rest he took a sip of the cold water. It was so refreshing, the cold of the water making his whole body somehow feel a little cooler.

The nurse carefully brought one of her small and delicate hands up to his forehead. It was burning hot. Her eyes widened in shock, as her hand backed away from his forehead. She got up from her crouching position and started to head for the door.

Once she had reached it she turned to look at Eichi.
"I would like to check your fever if you don't mind."
All Eichi could do was simply nod.
With that she left and he was once again, alone.

After what felt like the blink of an eye she returned, a fever thermometer and some medication in her hands. Once she had reached him she placed the medication on the night stand and turned to face Eichi, thermometer in hand.

Eichi opened his mouth, just wanting to get this over with so he could lie down again and rest. His body felt like it could light up in flames at any second.
The nurse quickly put away the thermometer, grabbing the medication instead.

"Here, your fever is pretty high."
She held out her hand, the medication laying atop it. Eichi swiftly took the medication- well as fast as his body allowed him to.
"I will be leaving again now, if you need anything don't hesitate to call." with that the nurse disappeared just as suddenly as she had appeared.

Eichi laid down again, feeling his body relax as soon as it hit the bed.
'Why me? What did I ever do to deserve this?'
Thoughts like these were constantly running through his mind while at the hospital.

It didn't take long for him to drift off into a peaceful slumber.


I love you Eichi.


Eichi awoke to the sound of birds and a pleasant smell of freshly cut grass. The gradener seemed to have mown the lawn.
Suddenly he remembered a weird dream he had. Why would he dream of someone confessing to him-? Let alone a guy, he's not gay after all.

He is already engaged anyway. The daughter of the Himemiyas, which happened to have an older brother, just two years younger than him, Tori Himemiya. Their parents had agreed upon their marriage a long time ago, Eichi had no other choice but to obey his parents will.

It's not like he has a girlfriend or a crush anyway. In fact, he has never had a crush in his entire life. Sometimes he just wishes he could live a normal high school life like other boys his age. It seems God didn't intend for him to have this though. Since he's always in and out of the hospital it's not like he could get to know anyone anyway. Eichi has just accepted that this is his fate.

Suddenly an idea hit him. The high school he attends, Yumenosaki, is a school training idols. It was once popular for bringing up very talented idols but has now long lost its good reputation. Eichi has always wanted to change the way things were. He couldn't stand seeing all those people slack off just because they made it into a school with a good reputation.

But now he had an idea on how to change things. He could make a change, even in this useless excuse of a body. He would just need some help...

-1- End


Aaaah finally done 🤧
This is my first ever time writing a fanfic so I'm sorry if it's bad 😭
I tried my best with the grammar but English ain't my first language so yeah-
I still hope you enjoyed!! Also sorry for the lack of WataEi I swear I'll get to it soon 🤧
Also don't be like me and start a fanfic at like 12 I've been here for 2 hours now- I should be sleeping but instead I'm wasting my time on this 😪

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