the scar

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She flicked the light on and off and accidently did it twice.
She closed her curtains en looked had her upperarm the place where the scar was it was like it never faded she has had it for so long. Why why did it not fade was it because it had a meaning to it did god tell chose her future
It was almost like he did. But what was the meaning behind it that meaning that she never told.
There was this boy in primary school with her people said they were meant to be not at the beginning but when they were about 11 or maybe 10. The teacher would but them next to eachother that's when it all started. They never really talked or were friends they were just in the same class. He most of the times played football in the break while she sometimes tried but most of the time got hurt. She liked to watch it though when she was busy writing or making bracelets from thread.
They had fun in class and both inproved. She helped him with language and he helped her with math. The parents were happy and the teachers were to but they never really had a choice. With PE it was always the same they would be on the same team and annoy eachother they never chose teams the teacher did but everytime they would nummer they would be on the same team. Coincidence or had god really meant for that to happen. Their other classmates would annoy them by saying they were a couple he would ignore it and she also did but she was way to shy anyway so it didn't matter they weren't suppose to be together the were like fire and ice. He was athletic and she kinda was the person who always got hurt in PE. He was the cool one and she was the one who liked to be in the background. The only moment she felt good and free was when she danced ballet to be exact she loved watching the older girls to things she never dreamed of doing. He was more into football but the PE teacher liked football better then dance so she always was the one who got a ball in the face or stomach or would be kicked in the knee she kinda was the crybaby. That hurt her she couldn't help it either. He sometimes could be really mad and you did.not.want.him.mad.
He kicked a football right in her stomach and threw a gluebottle at her face and a chair at her. It was like he meant to hurt her wich wasn't true she just always was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

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