Chapter 1

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"Naruto, Wake up!" Kurama yells, causing Naruto to jolt into a sitting position in his place on his back.

"What is it, Kurama?" Naruto asks with a yawn. "How long have I been asleep, anyway?"

Kurama sighs. "Approximately 10,000 years."

Naruto hops off Kurama's back and starts to stretch. "So, why'd you wake me up this time? I told you not to unless it was something important happened, like us getting pulled out of the ice or something."

Kurama grunts. "About that..."

Naruto stares at him with his jaw dropped. "No."

Kurama nods. "We're free, brat. The sentients that evolved into existence on this kami-forsaken planet over the past 2 billion years that we've been frozen and preserved, unable to pass on thanks to the seal remaining intact, have reached a technological level that allowed them to pull us out of the ice."

Naruto grins. "Then we've just got a couple of months until my corpse has decomposed enough for us to be set free and finally allowed to pass on."

Kurama shakes his head. "No, Naruto, we're not going to be dying anytime soon. As soon as your body warmed up enough that the internal organs were no longer frozen solid, your heart once again started to beat."

Naruto's jaw drops. "No. That... that shouldn't be possible unless... you... why would you do that?"

Kurama grunts. "I didn't. Not by choice, anyway. Over the 2 billion years that we've been together ever since Kaguya trapped us in that ice, our chakras have become one, and my regeneration that I have been granting you has become well and truly yours. The very same regeneration that saved you after the Uchiha shoved his hand through your heart, has now saved you once again, allowing you to live out the rest of your life properly, how you choose to."

Naruto sighs. "How long until my body is able to move again?"

Kurama grins. "About 5 seconds. Get us the hell out of whatever facility we're in, and go find out as much as you can about this world!"


Naruto's eyes fly open and he snaps into a sitting position, shocking the doctors and scientists that were surrounding him. Wasting no time, he bolts out of the room, relieving one of them of their clothes in order to cover himself. He then moves through the facility at his top speeds, ensuring that he doesn't hurt anyone in the process, looking for an exit, leaving through the first one he finds only to be shocked at what he discovers.

"What the hell is this?" He asks nobody upon realizing that he's on a flying ship high up in the sky.

"A top-of-the-line SHIELD Helicarrier designed to be undetectable for anyone without SHIELD technology, and currently at it's maximum altitude in order to keep you from escaping and potentially harming civilians should you suddenly come back to life and prove yourself to be violent." A voice responds from behind him, causing him to slowly turn to face the speaker.

Naruto raises an eyebrow. "You... you speak Elementian? How? I've been in that ice for longer than life has existed on this planet."

The man raises the eyebrow over his sole eye. "Never heard of that language, I'm speaking Japanese right now."

Naruto adopts a thinking pose. "What a coincidence, my people's language is similar to one that the people of this world speak. Well, at least that means I'll be able to communicate. Sorry, whatever your name is, but I'm leaving. Don't even bother trying to stop me." As he says this, he catches a tranquilizer dart that was heading for his neck and throws it back at the shooter. Of course, the man doesn't know this, as he was moving his arm too fast for him to see it. He then activates SPSM and flies off at top speed.

"Motherfu- TRACK HIM, DAMNIT!" The man yells into his com.


"What the hell do you want, Fury?" Tony Stark asks as he sets his tools down and turns to face SHIELD's director, who had just entered Tony's lab unannounced and uninvited.

"Tell me, what was the first living being that ever existed on this planet?" Fury asks.

Tony raises an eyebrow. "Some single-celled organism at the bottom of the ocean. Just skip to the point."

Fury sighs. "We found a man frozen and perfectly preserved at the bottom of the ocean, with the ice surrounding him being approximately 2 billion years old."

Tony facepalms. "And so you had the genius idea of pulling him out of the ice to study him, but it turned out that he was still alive, and now he's loose and you don't know where he is." He says, finishing Fury's statement and causing him to nod. "Where'd you lose track of him?"

"Kyoto, Japan."

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