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Mitch and I are still together we are going to the movies this Friday and I can't wait!! I meet him at the school gates and return the smile he gives me we head in and head to the sports hall where he friends in the year above hang out. When we get there his friends immediately start whispering and pointing at me; I had to try my hardest not to laugh. We head over and he introduces me they say hi.

" So Mitch" one says "this your new girl".

"This is the only girl I have ever dated and you bloody well know it" Mitch retorts. The boys turn back to me and introduce themselves which is pointless because I will never remember any of their names anyway. I smile and step back bumping into Katie.

"Wow there Liv" she says smiling "so I see guys are together now." I smile and nod and she grins back. "Hey you wanna play some tennis after school? Catch me up on gossippp...???" I mock glare at her then burst out laughing and she joins me.

"Of course I will play with you see you then". She walks off and I turn back to Mitch who is smirking at his friends. "Did I miss something?" I quickly ask.

"Oh no" Mitch says "I was just reveling in the fact that they did not think u would know Katie." I blush," let's go" I follow him out the door. We head over to the year 8 area and Mitch starts telling me all the things his older friends had told him about how he got a hot girl. I smiled at that and my face turned bright red I become deeply engrossed in the back of my hand as Conner walks towards us glaring at both of us. I look up just in time to see Mitch stick his tongue out. I crack up laughing and he joins me and we watch in delight as Conner walks away in disgust.

 Suddenly I see my friends and I say goodbye to Mitch as I make my way over to them. My stomach drops as I see Elsie standing among them I want to turn and run back to Mitch back to the comforting laughter but he's gone to play handball with his friends. Isla notices me then and makes her way over to me grinning like a maniac, her smile is infectious and soon I'm grinning like a Cheshire Cat and I don't even know what's going on yet. 

" So when's our double date?" She whispers into my ear. I groan and playfully hit her. BRING! The bell rings startling us all Isla and I begin to head to HASS I smile at the thought of knowing that Mitch was going to be there. Unbeknownst to me I had started staring off into the distance my mind absorbed with waterpolo wishing my game was today when all of a sudden I trip. I mentally abuse my mind as I look up to see the who the owner of the hand that has been offered to help me up belongs to. It's Mitch. I curse myself and thank him trying to hide the blush creeping into my cheeks. 

We step inside the classroom and Isla says she has to talk to the teacher. I nod, my mind wandering to other things again. I glance up at the screen and I double take, there lies a new seating plan. I frantically search for my name praying I'm sitting next to someone good even better one of my friends. Finally I locate my name in the back corner of the classroom I heave a sigh of relief and head there not bothering to check who's next to me as at least in the back I can isolate and not talk to anyone getting my work done in good time. I slide my bag off my shoulders and chuck it under the desk sliding into my seat, hearing Mitch's voice I look up. He consults the screen for a moment and then smirks and turns and starts heading towards me. I start panicking realising the seat next to me is the only available seat in the room which means... shit I'm over thinking it this will be great I'll get to know him more, we can talk more in general. 

" Who put the two lovebirds together" a snarky voice in front of me remarks. 

"Shut up Kai I'm not in the mood" I sigh and lay my head on the desk. I feel a hand rest on the small of my back and I shiver the touch sending goosebumps to my arms. I turn my head sideways and grin lopsidedly at Mitch he grins back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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