Ch 3: Calm Before Storm

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Following usopp after the crew split up, he has gone on a shopping spree to gather supplies and trinkets to create something in his free time.

Usopp strolls around town, carrying a large bag full of supplies. 

He then entered a shop to buy special goggles to aid with his aim.

As he tries to purchase the goggles he wants, he forgets his wallet in his bag.

He left the goggles in the counter so he could get his wallet when a little girl purchased it and left the store.

Usopp then tries to scare the little girl into giving him the goggles by lying that his bounty is thirty million.

However, the little girl called his bluff and approached her father, who was standing behind Usopp. 

Girl: Happy birthday, Papa!

the little girl offered her father the goggles usopp wanted.

Happy about the gift the girl gave him, the father thanked her.

She then glanced at usopp with a mischievous grin and turned to her father.

Girl: But Papa, that man over there is being mean and tried to swipe your present

Father: Now, now, don't say "swipe" dear, it's bad manners for a lady to say that

The man then glares at usopp,causing him to flinch.

Father: Are you the person who's been bothering my little girl?

As usopp tried to lie, the little girl mentioned to her father about usopp's bounty.

Father: a bounty of thirty million, huh? Let's take a look

The father pulled out a stack of wanted posters to find usopp and stopped at luffy's poster.

Father: For a first bounty, that's quite impressive

As usopp tries to back off, the man glares at him.

Father: Where are you going?

Usopp: Okay, that's not me! As you could see, I'm not the guy in the poster! I was just trying to pretend to be a bad guy! Bye-bye, now im out of here!

As usopp turns around and is about to run away, the man points at the corner of luffy's poster.

Father: That's you, isn't it?

Scared usopp tries to scare off the man with a bluff which sort of worked. 

Father: You're right. It's not worth getting killed. Anyone with thirty million is no ordinary person, that's for sure

Both the little girl and usopp were surprised by his reaction.

Girl: Papa, you can beat him. You're the strongest man ever! You're not afraid of anyone

Father: darling, I don't have to prove anything. I just need to get by with enough to keep us happy as long as you think I'm the greatest man, then that's fine by me. Understand?

Girl: Papa?

Usopp: eh? (Did I scare him off just like that? I guess i dont know how terrifying i truly am!)

Usopp got greedy and started to boast, which backed fired. 

Father: Fine, if that's how you wanted. Then let's settle this dispute like men

Usopp: like men?

The man handed usopp a gun which is alright with usopp.

Usop then panicked when the man revealed the has thirty pistols.

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