Chapter 7 AGAIN- (Saiko) Choice to be Made

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I held the diary above my head with two hands, acting like I was about to rip it in half, causing further damage to it.


But I couldn't bring myself to do it...

I was panting heavily, like I was having trouble breathing. I didn't stare straight ahead at him, instead, my wide eyes stared down at my feet. I was shaking and I gasped between each word that came out of my mouth. "The second *cough* time... It... Wasn't *pant* me..." I felt like I was trying to keep control of my body.

My gaze remained downward so I had no clue of what expression he had on his face. "I don't believe you... It can't be anyone else but you!"

"Do you honestly think that?" I finally raise my head, so that my eyes met his. I could see the uncertainty deep within them. "Think about it Saiko. You know that I wasn't the one who first approached you... Who first harassed you!"

He realized who I was talking about, and his head hurt the more he thought about it. "You're lying to me! All of you! Just for your own benefit!" In just seconds, the pain in his head would continue to grow worse. "AH! Ugh..!" He drops his knife and holds his head.

I lower my hands, closing the diary. I stare at it as I spoke. "Shinji knew about it as well. She was the one who stole it and scattered its pages..." He froze when I said this and was focused on what I had to say after. "I don't have room to talk with my photos of Akira, but your drawings are disturbing. Yet, I have to say..." Like I did, he raises his head, letting go of it and takes a good look at me. I hold out the diary for him to take back, just like he wanted. "You draw beautifully."

He doesn't take it back. Instead, he flinches away from me, hiding his face from my view. "You're a liar! That's all you've been doing, and I don't trust you! Everything you've said is a lie!"

"You don't know that." I take a step closer to him. As if he was scared of me for some strange reason, he backs away. I take a moment to watch him in silence. He was shaking, and looked like he was about to cry. He... Looked completely destroyed...

I never thought I would feel this type of way for anyone other than Akira. I could feel my eyes soften and my heart began to ache at the sight before me. I didn't stop myself and let the words slip between my trembling lips. "I can't bring myself to completely hate you..." It was the second time he heard these words, not that I knew. Hearing them again wasn't what surprised him. "No... I think now..."

"I no longer hate you... Not anymore..."

His eyes were so wide, I didn't think it was possible. It was like he'd grown to become crazier than ever before. "..."


"I don't believe you..."

We stare at each other in silence. After all that I said, I found myself irritated to hear his denial to my words. "Alright then... Fine..."

"ACK!" He looked up only to be met with a book to the face, his diary in fact. This action was followed up with the sound of hurried steps. I ran off without another word, leaving him alone on the rooftop.

I took out the key I retrieved from the library. 'Let's hope the end to all this is near!' I hoped as I ran to the next classroom, not knowing the fortune of it being the last one I'll ever need to go and search through.

(Meanwhile With Saiko)

At last, he finally has it back. Saiko stares at his diary, which now rests in his hands. "How dare they... To think they stole it from me again! I'll never believe them for a second!" He thinks back to what they said and considered what they said to be the truth. Shinji being the one to steal it from him would make a bit more sense. "No! I refuse to trust them! I refuse-!" He stops when a piece of paper almost falls out of his diary. When he takes a look to see what it was, he sees that it's one of his drawings. "It can't be..."

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