chapter one: <Lucifer, Maxwell>

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On a saturday afternoon there sat a little boy who was the age of 10. This particular boy had happened to come from a wealthy family, his mother, Jessica Ual Jane had been making dinner as her and her husband, Samuel Ual Jane had both agreed on no chefs. Mr.Jane had already had a degree in both cooking and business, as Mrs.Jane had a degree in astronomy but cooked from time to time.

The 10 yearold waited patiently in the living room watching cartoons. The boy had light, soft blonde hair with big vibrant green eyes, as his family was formal he wore a green button down shirt with some jean shorts. His twin sister, Maxi Ual Jane happened to come down stairs.

Maxi skipped down as happy as ever. The boy who was named Maxwell Ual Jane, had happened to see her and sighed.

Maxwell and Maxi didnt have the best relationship however they never showed it in front of their parents.

"Maxwell, Maxi!" Mrs.Jane said from the kitchen. "Yes mother?" Maxwell had said before Maxi had came rushing in "mother!" She had said out of breath "I heard a new kid moved into town. I believe their parents are Haru and Makoto, lovely boys those two are." Mrs.Jane had said in a sweet voice. "Okay mother!"

Soon Maxi and Maxwell had been out the door with Maxi happily skipping and Maxwell unphasingly walking. "What do you think they look like?" Maxi had asked "I dont know?" Maxwell had replied. "What gender do you think theyll be?" Maxi had asked again "I dont know, ok? Can we just walk to their house without more of your annoying questions! Besides we'll know all that when we see them!" Maxwell had said getting irritated by Maxi.

The rest of the way the two twins had walked in silence and soon they were infront of the house.

Maxi had knocked on the door before a tall boy with pink hair had answered. "Oh hi! You must be here to see Luci?" He had assumed. "Yup!" Maxwell said smiling brightly.

The boy soon closed the door and they heard a bit of shouting, nothing concerning though. Maxwell had wondered if the kid was a girl from the name 'Luci'.

Next a boy opened the door. "Hello! Whats your name?" Maxi had said in a sweet tone that she never used with Maxwell "Lucifer, you?." Lucifer said in a cold tone before turning his attention to Maxwell before maxi could answer.

"well my name is Maxi!" She said. Maxwell waved at lucifer timidly afraid of his tone, he sounded like he really didnt wanna talk to them nor did he sound like he liked them. "Whats your name?" Lucifer had said in a more soft tone than he had used with Maxi, Lucifer had taken a liking to Maxwell.

"My names Maxwell!- but you can just call me Max." He said smiling softly at him. Lucifer had just hummed in response


Lucifer soon stepped out of the house and closed the door with Maxi smiling happier then ever and happily exclaimed "We should go to the park!" Lucifer was disturbed at the idea of a park with more people than the usual 2 or 3 he was used to.

Luckily Max and Maxi werent able to see his face due to his black hair covering his one eye that happened to be bruised and the mask he was wearing to cover his mouth making some words muffled. (dont you dare make a fucking kenny mccormick refrenence i will smite you.)

Alright im tired and cant be bothered to make this entire story one chapter!! Also

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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