~Midnight snacks~

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[the same things from the first book still apply :]

[I'll relist the first book cuz I don't really even know why I unlisted it lol]
[oh, and, to past me, yes. yes it was too fluffy-]

~Nickel's POV~

"Ugghhhhh" I groaned, shifting my position, I was somewhere sitting by a tree near some undergrowth,  Grass and leaves always made my legs itchy. but I guess i'll deal with it. I moved my leg slightly. trying to brush it against the bark of the tree. "Brr." I shudder. it's a bit cold. I mean, it always IS at night. but. a bit chillier than normal.. most people are sleeping right now. I know fan is up, probably on his phone. bLoGiNg, or. documenting his time here..

 I'm not sure how long we've actually been here. few weeks? I could ask fan, but I don't feel like it. 'I need something to warm up.' I think to myself, I get up and stretch. looking around. drowsily walking to the pic-nix table, man i'm glad test tube hacked this thing for me, what's something I'm actually in the mood for. that's warm? "Hmmmmmm" I hum to myself, 

"Oh! Meatloaf!" I exclaim, and the meatloaf materializes out of thin air on a neat plane white plate. "Wait- where's the fork-" I ask, before sighing. "Not like I have hands to use a fork anyways." I groan, grabbing the plate with my teeth, wait. 'where am I going to sit?'.. Hmm... I could always sit at the table.. but. the sea view is always nice..

Ahh screw it. walk over to the sandy area.  setting my plate on the sand. and sitting down. Damn. even the sand is cold right now..

~Balloon's POV~

I wake up to the sound of someone.. yelling? Who- Who the hell is yelling "meatloaf" at.. uhm,, 2 i'd guess? by the position of the moon, it's not at it's highest point so, it's gotta be around 1 or 2... but. still, who's yelling "meatlo"- ohh.. someone's probably at the pic-nix table.. they do know they don't have to yell. right?.. I just hope no one else wakes up because of it.

I yawn,  swaying my tail/string, that's one way to wake up eh? I move my hands behind myself, sitting up. wiping leaves off my arms and back. looking around to take in my surroundings. jeez i'm still tired.. I mean. it's still night so.. bound to be.. i'm going to be so tired tomorrow, might as well see who was yelling.

I stand up. rubbing my eyes. and I start walking, no one, (awake) nothing moving it's pretty quiet. the only ones up are fan and test tube, watching some movie or show on fan's phone, no big surprises there. I doubt they were the ones yelling about meatloaf though, I sigh. thinking i'm noooooooot gonna find the culprit. wait. I've done all this searching..

And haven't even looked where someone would be yelling about some food! I walk over to the pic-nix table. no one here.. but.. I DO smell food! my tail/string drags behind me, as I look around, I walk over to the sandy part of the island, looking around.. my tail slowly flagging.

~Nickel's POV~

I look to my side. seeing the salmon colored rubber air head. not too far from me.. should I speak up? should I just wait till he finds me?.. Ah what the hell. i'm trying to be nicer to 'em anyways. "Oi! Loony!"  I call,  balloon looked over to me, and walked over. "Oh. so it was you!" Balloon tilts his head at me. with a soft smile

"What was me?" I ask. tilting my head in a more confused manor than him. "The voice yelling "MeAtLoAf". I look at him, bringing one leg closer to myself. "You heard me?" "not only did I hear ya, you woke me up." he chuckled. sitting next to me, I wasn't.. objecting to him sitting next to me, but... I'd rather him have not done that.

"oh.." I say, musing my eyes on the water. "wait, if I woke you up, than did I wake anyone else up?" I ask, "Not to my knowledge. but probably." balloon said with a shrug. "By the way. what're you doing up so late? it's already 2 something and you're still up?" Balloon asks. sitting criss cross with his hands in front of him in the sand.

"Couldn't sleep." I say, one leg up to my chest, the other laying freely. "It was too cold. that's why I got this." I gesture to the plate of meatloaf. "But. I don't really want it anymore. I don't think it's even warm anymore." I nudge at it with my leg at the plate, "Oh.." Balloon starts. "wait- not warm you said? can I have it?" 

Balloon asks me, I tilt my head. "Eugh, you like cold meatloaf?" I ask, in a disgusted voice. "Mhm!" balloon hums happily, "it's great!" He smiled. "... have at it." I say, pushing the plate towards him, he squeaks happily,  grabbing the plate, "No fork?" I ask him.

"I could ask you the same thing." he replies, gRaBbInG iT wItH hIs HaNd. "I have no arms, what's your excuse?" I riposted with a smug smirk. he looks back at me with a smile. "Whatever." he chuckled, nudging me with his elbow. he takes a bite of the cold meatloaf, looking up at the sky, "do you ever wonder.  why we were made? or how, living organism's as a whole even exist?" 

he asks.  his mouth full of meatloaf,  "Uh.. first of all wasn't expecting the sudden existential crisis. but.. yeah all the time, why?" I ask, tilting my head, looking at him, as he looks up at the stars.

~Balloon's POV~

Nickel looks at me, I'm only able to see a little since i'm only seeing him in my peripheral vision. "I dunno, it's just an interesting topic I guess." I say, tilting my head to the side, watching the stars, "It is.. I guess.." Nickel says, dusting the sand with his foot.  "it's an interesting thought." he said, turning to look up at the stars as well,

"Interesting's an understatement y'know, there are so many possibilities, and, we'll ever know which hypothesis is true, or, how many are true, or, if any of them are true." I say, nickel looks back over at me, "You're not passionate about this topic at all." he said, rolling his eyes with a chuckle.

i do the same, nudging him, we start talking about ✨the theory of life✨ and what not.

And not too long after, I let out a soft yawn. "tired?" nickel asks, tilting his head.  "Mhm." I nod. putting a hand on my head with a soft smile, "we should both get some sleep. it's pretty late." Nickel says, standing up, "Catch ya later loony." he says. walking off into some overgrown part of the island.

heh, that was.. okay..

Btw 1181 words :]


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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