Chapter 2 : The Jujutsu World

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Of course, the news spread that the remarkable Gojo Satoru had a child out of wedlock, and even the higher ups were not on board with Gojo having a child as secretly, they feared the Gojo clan would regain power. But instead claimed that "her existence was shameful to the Jujutsu community." They ordered her execution when she had turned 2, but Master Tengen and Gojo easily stopped that idea.

It also happened to be that Gojo Fuyumi also possessed the six eyes cursed technique, inheriting it from her father. Master Tengen is quite eager to figure out her technique as Gojo's are extremely hard to come by, and the ones possessing the six eyes technique are even rarer.

As the news spread, many assassins were ordered to kill the child, thus, why she is barely seen by the Jujutsu world. Gojo tries to keep her life secret best he can to protect her.
Which is why everyone with the exception of trusted friends, are allowed to see Fuyumi.

Fuyumi's mother, is unknown, with Gojo refusing to share the information about Fuyumi's mother. The prestigious Zenin and Kamo clans fear the birth and existence of Gojo's daughter, as it marks a new era, if the Gojo clan rises in power, then the two other clans will not stand a chance, aside from that, they despise the fact that she is born out of wedlock.

But behind the curtain of her background, she has a special curse residing in her soul, the Higher ups give her the nickname of "The Cursed Child" as she is literally the cursed child. She is a true prodigy, and has the power equivalent to a special grade sorcerer currently.
But besides that, after the news of her birth, Satoru Gojo has done all that he can to ensure that her life remains a secret to protect her from harm.

Morning came, Satoru was cooking pancakes in the kitchen of the lavish Gojo estate, as he heard the pitter-patter of a toddlers footsteps running down the stairs.

"DADDY!!!!" Fuyumi shouted excitedly as she ran to him, the child was such a daddy's girl.

Satoru, who expected her, turned around and squatted down to pick her up and hug her tightly while she was running to him.

"Morning princess!"

He said as he smothered his 3 year old with kisses as she giggled. Satoru's lips were coated with Maple syrup from eating pancakes, covered Fuyumi's face in maple syrup.

"Bleh!" She faced away from him "Theres maple syrup on my face!" She said.

"So you don't want my kisses?" Satoru pouted. "My princess doesn't love me anymore!!" He said dramatically as he pretended to faint.

"No! I still love you daddy!" She said frantically as she hugged his neck, and Satoru chuckled "Awh, I could never stay mad at you." He said as he placed her sat down on the counter as he finished the pancakes.

Satoru made a plate for Fuyumi, and cut her pancake up in pieces to make a smiley face. She was spoiled rotten by her father.

He put her plate down as he fed her the pancakes, and put her long white hair that exactly resembled his, behind her ears. Despite their big estate, only the two of them live there, as Satoru didn't trust anyone with his daughter. He bought the estate shortly after Fuyumi came into his life.

"Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?" He said with a big smile as he did her hair. "But I'm always gonna be the prettiest!" He said as she giggled "You're the prettiest, Nami is pretty too." (Nami was her nickname for Nanami, as she claimed "Nanami" had too many big letters)

"Nami isn't prettier than me." He said childishly as he put clips in her hair.

As he finished doing her hair, Fuyumi said "Now it's your turn daddy!" She said as she picked out clips for his hair

"But I thought I was already the prettiest." Satoru pouted.

"You'll be prettier this way!" Fuyumi insisted as she put blue clips in his hair to match his eyes, and braided pieces of his hair.

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