Blame Game

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"Please I'm begging you don't do this!"

"Look tell me where the rest of them are and your punishment won't be as severe."

"I told you already I can't do that! I'm sworn into secrecy, they kill me if i-"

"Well I'll kill you if you don't."

The rogue whose name I don't even want the pleasure of knowing snots all over the place trying to stay alert. I don't have the patience for this anymore, we've been at it for about 9 hours and still no location.

By the third hour I had him taped to a wooden chair his feet placed into a bucket of water my jump starts placed into the bucket each time I don't get the answer I want. I'm surprised his brain hasn't turned into mush by now.

"Look I have nothing better to do I can do this all day now tell me where.are.the.others?" Losing my patience completely I flip the switch. The current runs through his body, he convulses uncontrollably blood drooling from the side of his mouth. I've had enough of this he needs to tell me what's going on now.

"Alpha you're killing him." Tristan says tapping my shoulder. I growl in response pushing him violently away, he stumbles backwards but catches his balance.

"Get the fuck away from me, if he won't give up their location he's of no use to me!" I bellow.

"Brother that's enough." Kasey reaches for the switch, without a single thought I punch him square in the jaw. "You're fucking crazy." He snaps storming away.

"What the hell do you know! Huh?! You don't have a mate to protect I do!" I scream, turning off the current my prisoner slumps in the chair sweat droplets falling from his forehead. Shaking him violently he opens his eyes fear getting the best of him.

Its like a poison spreading through his body, he thrashes against me weakly trying to break free. The fact he's even alive makes me livid,"No more're dead." My Alpha takes over all sense of humanity erased, the human side of me screams for me to stop but I can't bring myself to do it.

I didn't protect Gia before but I will now, its my fault she is the way she is. But in this moment I know I can focus all my anger on this rogue, he'll regret ever stepping a foot in my territory.


"Luna, we need quickly come with me." The panic in Kasey's voice make my stomach drop.

Something isn't right.

"What's going on?"

"Its Andrej he's completely lost it, I tried to pull him off of the rogue but the moment any of us even moved he'd come after us like a rabid animal. He'd never hurt you so you need to come down to the interrogation room."

"Alright um, lead the way I guess." Hooking my arm under his we walk hastily down the steps then down an extra flight of steps. This is not an area of the house I'm familiar with.

The wall is cold and dusty, the air is stale like a basement. Gurgling and liquid sloshes falling close to where I'm standing.

"You did this to her!" A voice I don't even recognize snarls. I squeeze Kasey's hand tighter,"What is that?" I whisper afraid of the answer.

"Luna don't be frightened, I swear I wouldn't put you in a dangerous situation if I didn't believe you'd be okay. That's Andrej he's right infront of you."

"Why hasn't he realized I'm here?"

"He's hell bent on revenge the only smell his nose is taking in is blood."

Nodding solemnly he releases my hand nudging me forward a little, I shuffle straight my hands stretched in front of me gnawing on the inside of my cheek. Every fiber in my body screams run, but my heart screeches for me to push through the fear. At the heart of all of this, I love him.

"Andrej....its Gianna." I whisper hugging him from behind. "You don't have to do this."

"Yes I do, he hurt you." He growls easing into my touch physically relaxing. "No he didn't sweetheart, I'm fine. The men who hurt are already dead remember? You helped kill them."

"This rogue..he deserves to die, he plans to take you away from me. YOU'RE MINE!" He roars going to continue on in whatever torture the rogue has been dealing with.

Easing my hand to his arm rubbing it gently his grip loosens on the rogue,"Let him go." I say sternly.

"I can't do that don't you see, he's here to kill you?"

"Andrej, can you protect me?"

"Of course."

"Then he can't kill me, let him go." Getting a final punch in the rogue's body lands with a thud. He groans from the ground, I sigh in relief. Didn't know I had so much power over him. Hell I didn't know he had such a violent streak, I'm kind of scared of him now.

"Its my fault, I should have protected you better." Resting his head on my shoulder I hold Andrej close kissing his ear. "No, don't do that. It wasn't your fault, it was an accident you couldn't have protected me if you wanted to. You want protect me now?"

"More than anything."

"Then don't let those rogues take me."

"They'll never lay a finger on you, no one will." Leaping into his arms he carries me effortlessly up the steps. "Put the rogue in the cell, I'll deal with him later."

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