19) Dance

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The applause, cheers, hooting, and congratulatory whispers were quick to die as the lights were back dim and the floor was cleared as the first thrum of guitar sliced the atmosphere

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The applause, cheers, hooting, and congratulatory whispers were quick to die as the lights were back dim and the floor was cleared as the first thrum of guitar sliced the atmosphere. The people parted and made the space designated to be emptied.

"We announce the dance floor open." The host blared his vocals into the mic earning affirmative responses from the guests.

Men were quick to find their women or the one they were infatuated with, asking for their hands and leading them towards the dance floor.

Anirudh watched Shreya and Rakshit being pushed toward the center, the couple playing at the edges of the unsaid words and the thick blanket of tension between them.

On the other end, Vidyut made an annoyed face as Uttara jumped at the mention, pulling him towards the stage and moving at the beats, his brother eyeing the woman as if she was high on drugs. He wouldn't put past Vidyut to give her a tough time moving half as gracefully as Uttara swirled.

While his brothers took their places, Anirudh kept his eyes in the direction Dhwani left a few seconds before the host made the announcement. The lady took her exit at the accurate moment as if she knew what was coming next.

Her reason was the assistant who came hurrying towards her for help. His protests were dead the moment Dhwani glared at him derisively. The woman could be intimidating when she wanted to be.

Anirudh sighed, waiting at the entrance of the hall for his wife of two years. His eyes oscillated between his watch, floor, and gate and he missed the person nearing him.

"Can I have this dance, Anirudh?" The feminine voice made him spin on his heels, snapping at the familiarity.

He watched the woman dressed in an elegant black piece with her legs on display and spaghetti straps holding her gown. The bold red lips pursed in a smile that he escaped and blinked.

"Miss Bajaj." His jaw clenched. "I see you are here to apologize to my wife."

"Yes, that and because you invited me here, Anirudh." She leaned forward with an unreadable glint. "We started on a bad foot. I was wondering if we could clear the miscommunication and sustain our relationship."

"Relationship?" He cocked a mocking brow. "It is your father and me. Not you and me."

"I am my father's heir, Anirudh." She stated chuckling. "We are meant to be working together one day or another."

"I don't think so." He gritted, irked by her presence. "I am dealing with your father and your brother you seem not to remember. Me and you are never working together."

Her smile dropped and her lips turned to a pout. "I am sorry for that day. I didn't mean to slap your employee..."

"My wife." He corrected her.

"You don't consider her that." She commented with a scoff as if denying his claims. "She herself won't introduce as your wife. I know this is a sham of a marriage..."

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