chapter 3

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Jinseong has just done playing the game and was about to go to his dad, yet he doesn't find him or see him anywhere. He panicked thinking what his dad told him earlier, he didn't really listened to him as he was so excited.

"Dad? Dad! Where are you?" Jinseong called Jungkook, hoping for his dad to come to him and hug him.

He looked around, hoping that maybe his dad is standing there around the place or anywhere, yet he couldn't see him anywhere.

Tears started to form in his eyes as he panicked more. Losing the one and only who you have in life was scaring him, he thought he'd be lost forever and won't find his dad again, ever. He choked a sob and desperately looked around.

He walked around the arcade trying to find his dad but still he couldn't find him anywhere and tears started to fall from his eyes.

He got tired of walking around and finding Jungkook so he sat at the nearest chair and cried there. Bringing his knees up to his chest and buried his face into his arms as he cried.

Not long after someone tapped on his shoulder, and he looked back up to see a beautiful man kneeling down infront of him.

"Hey there, little boy. Why are you crying? What's wrong?" The man asked, cautiously looking around to see if the boy had any company.

Jinseong was about to answers but stopped when he remembered that his dad told him not to talk with any stranger. Not everyone were gentle and kind with kids nowadays, he should be careful. Jungkook had warned him about kidnapping these days. So he kept silence and backed away from the man.

"Don't be scared, champ. I promise I'm not a bad guy, and I won't hurt you. I just want to help. My name is Jimin. What is yours?" Jimin smiled sweetly while offering his hand to the boy. By Jimin's welcoming smiled, he started to believe in him.

"M-My name is Jinseong. Jeon Jinseong." He said quitely.

"Jinseong? That's a very cute name." Jimin smiled showing his crescent moon smile. Jinseong shyly giggled and whispered a 'thank you'.

"So Jinseong. Why were you crying before?" Jimin asked, his eyes softned.

"I-I lost dad.." Jinseong started, eyes filling up with tears again. He just wanted his dad to scream 'champ!' and pull him into a big hug.

"Hey hey don't cry, Jimin hyung will help you find your dad okay?" Jimin tried to sooth the boy's back who was starting to sob again.

"R-Really?" Jinseong asked between his sobs, looking at Jimin teary eyes.

"Ofcourse! What's his name? How does he looks like?" Jimin asked, that way it'd be easy to find Jinseong's dad.

"Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook."

"Okay, can you describe how he looks like?" Jimin asked sweetly.

"Well, dad has brown hair. He has bunch of tattoos on his right arm. Eyebrow piercing and many earrings. He's wearing a black pant and a black shirt rolled up to elbows." Jinseong described.

Jimin bit on his bottom lips, by how Jinseong described he knew this Jungkook guy was hot. Just imagine a man wearing black shirt with black pant, bunch of tattoos and piercings! Jimin was bad down and guys like Jungkook were his type.

Shut up Jimin! Jinseong must have a mom if he have a dad! Don't let your hormones conclude you! Jimin scolded himself mentally.

"Alright then. How about we go to the administration and tell them to find your dad? They'll call your dad's name so he can come and pick you." Jimin explained and Jinseong nodded to reply.

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