23 1 11

• STARTED: 2/9/2023
FINISHED: 2/9/2023

• FANDOM/S: Dead End Paranormal Park

• OC/S: Azra (Azrael), Raziel

• SHIPS: None

• SUMMARY: The demons had decided to strike the upper planes. Azra took this opportunity to get the rest of his powers back, however a familiar archangel decided to try and help xem.

• EXTRA STUFF: Azra used be the Archangel of Death, however got kicked out by Pael.

Raziel and Azra are inspired off of the actual ones that are mentioned in religious texts.

The Deadly Sins aren't mentioned, however you can see this apart of that AU.

Happens in the fourth plane.

The rest of Azra's powers became a physical form that could be absorbed by an archangel. However, it hurts really badly since the power needs time to adjust to the archangel, including Azra since he hasn't had xyr full power in a long time.

This is short, but I'm not sure on what else to put.


"This hurts like a..." Azra grunted in pain before finishing that sentence. The ex-archangel was barely standing. His face was covered in wounds from the fighting he had to do to get back up to the top of the fourth plane. Where's Pael? He wouldn't just GIVE Azra's the rest of Azra's power back just like this.

Footsteps could be heard nearby. Azra summoned his spear and turned around to see familiar white hair with blue pale skin. "Raziel..." xe muttered out in pain. Two angels stood beside the archangel.
"You two, help the other angels. I'll deal with this one," Raziel said in a serious tone. One of the angels was about to speak to only get a glare from the Archangel of Secrets and Mysteries. They left, leaving both of them alone in an comfortable silence.

Raziel walked towards Azra.
"Stay the hell away from me, Raziel!" the ex-archangel shouted in anger as he points xyr spear at the archangel.
"Azrael, let me help you. Please," the white haired creature pleaded.
"So you can turn me in and imprison me? Hell no! Besides, where is Pael, you know I'm after that damned idiot." Raziel didn't say anything and just stopped just in front of Azra. The multi-eyed creature put his light spear at Raziel's neck.

Why is Azrael doing this? Did being on Neutral Plane make him grow bitter? Many questions ran through Raziel's mind.
"Azrael... You never used to be like this..." Raziel started, "You were so-"
"-Commited to my job? That I've fallen from whatever grace I had left!? Raziel, they enslaved fallen angels, made demon's lives living hell. Not just Pael, but all the higher ups and you are just helping them!" Azra took a moment to catch his breath. "Pael isn't my only target, Raziel."

The white-haired archangel looked at the red-haired creature in surprise. "All of the upper planes are. I'm not stopping until they pay." Azra made the spear disappear and shot light magic into Raziel's face. The archangel stumbled back with his eyes closed, allowing Azra to create a portal just behind xem.

The red-haired creature limped to the portal. Once he got through, he said, "If you and your other archangels want to find me then don't. If I see you or the others I will end you where you stand." The portal shut once Raziel opened his eyes once again.
"Dammit!" Raziel shouted in frustration. Just when he could help Azrael, he let his guard down and xe attacked.

Another portal appeared but behind Raziel. An archangel stepped out of it
"Did you get Azrael?" the voice asked.
"No... I think we need to get his friends involved in finding xem..."


Azra was on floor of the mansion in the park. He was still in pain since he was still trying to absorb the power. "I'll make them pay..." he muttered to xemself.

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