Chapter 7

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August POV

I was watching tv after putting our clothes in the washing when Chantell came out and sat in the love seat across from me with her phone. I wasn't paying attention until she kept on giggling about something. my curiosity got the best of me and I creeped over to her and behind the couch reading the text.

(Text between Chantell an Luther )

Big_Zaddy: so we gonna go to the movies Friday?

Sexy_can_i: yeah I'll be waiting ;)

Big_Zaddy: aight baby girl ;)

Sexy_can_i: -inserts blush emoji- see you then

Big_Zaddy: aight ma

( end of covno)

She stood there smiling at the convo as my blood boiled. I cleared my throat loudly startling her off the couch.
"What the heck August why are you sneaking up behind me like that." she said upset.
"Whose Big_Zaddy?" I asked angry
"Wait ... you were behind me just to read my messages." she yelled in response.
My temper was starting to flare " well your over here giggling like a baby hyena!" I shouted back.

"My messages have nothing to do with you in the first place. why do you care?" she snapped back.

This stopped me before I could retort back. I raked my hands through my hair and let out a frustrated huff. Why did I care so much it's not like we were even dating we only went to the beach. but from the moment I laid eyes on her she wouldn't get out of my head. I dreamt about her for god sakes but I could I really love her. she was kind, sweet and w-wait this is coming across kind of gay sounding let me just stop there.

 When I looked back at her she still had the same upset expression. "I don't know I just care, okay" I said with a sigh pacing back and forth.

"Well you can stop caring." she said grabbing her clothes out the washing machine and her purse. before I could say another word she slammed the door. leaving me alone in the room alone. 

You idiot i mentally shouted to myself. I ran to the door bursting it open to find her long gone. Awe man i really effed up. I gotta find her and apologize. I threw on some clothes and drove off.

heyo im sorry i didnt update i was off doing me but i couldnt forget you guys and gals. Publishing next chappie soon. Peace

truth be told (august aslina fan fic) (On Hold)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora