Episode 3719

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Andy: "Welcome to Eye On the Skull Ship, the only show for Watchdogs, about Watchdogs, by a Watchdog, for Watchdogs. I am your humble host, Andy the Watchdog, and today, for the 3719 time, we have a very special edition of what's for lunch!" Andy starts to scroll down into the cafeteria, passing multiple watchdogs as he does so.

Andy: "You see, today isn't just any regular old day. It's our gracious Lord haters birthday! So instead of the typical one dish that's prepared for each Watchdog, the gracious staff of the kitchen have decided to make a buffet style meal today, with all kinds of food to be had!" Andy makes his way line of people waiting for food and enters the kitchen.

The scene changes to see multiple Watchdogs in Chef hats running around, rushing to get pans of different foods prepared and ready to be Eaten. He walks toward the middle of the kitchen towards a Watchdog who is wearing a dark variant of the uniform typically worn by kitchen staff, and with a chef hat that seems to dwarf the size of the other hats.

Andy: "Today we're here to interview the New Head Chef, the one who's taking the place of the old Head Chef after he was eaten by a ravenous space worm. What a horrible way to End a Vacation, am i right?" the audio of the episode seems to fluctuate at this moment as a laugh track appears as he finishes his statement. He finishes making his way towards the chef in Black garb.

Chef Watchdog: "You're Andy? , for the interview right? Hold on one second." He cuffs his hands together to increase the loudness of what he is about to say." ALRIGHT EVERYBODY, FIVE MINUTE BREAK WHILE I DO THE INTERVIEW! I DONT WANT YOU DOING ANYTHING WITHOUT ME RUNNING DAMAGE CONTROL!" He shouts out. Causing the lower chefs to give a sigh of relief as their shoulders sag.

Chef Watchdog: "Follow me to the back, I got a little area set up for the interview." He grabs Andy's hand and leads him to a door in the back of the kitchen, he grasped the door and pulls it open, revealing a velvet red room with a desk in it with two chairs sitting across from each other.

Chef Watchdog: "This room is usually the room where we write paperwork to have the ingredients we need to cook shipped on to the Skullship, along with filing menu requests from the rest of the Watchdogs, but I freshened it up a bit for the interview." The both of them proceed to take a seat within the provided chairs.

Andy: "Anyway, you ready to start this interview?" Andy asks as he stares into his singular red eye, mentally reminding himself of the questions he prepared for the interview."

Chief Watchdog: "I would love nothing more."

Andy: "So let's start off with the first question, what gave you the idea to apply for the formerly vacant position of Head  Chef?"

Chef Watchdog: "Well, you see Andy, I wasn't always working in the kitchen like I am now, I used to be one of the soldiers on the field." He says as he stares into space, staring at something that isn't quite there, reminiscing of the past

Chef Watchdog: " one day, I'm invading a planet along with my fellow soldiers, we bust down The Doors, get the King to surrender yada yada, the usual thing. But when Lord haters calling back his troops back to the Skullship, I get left behind. Couldn't make it in time."

Chef Watchdog: " so then After figuring out I've been left behind, I decided to grab some grub before figuring out what to do. I walk into this old restaurant, it has dingy sign that looks like it's about to fall off. I order some food, couldn't really read anything on the menu as I don't speak the language, so I just asked for soup. The waiter brings out this bowl of piping hot soup, let me tell you. It was the most delicious thing I ever had." He speaks with a fondness as he's reminiscing of the past.

Chef Watchdog: " so I asked to meet the chef who made this, and then the way to walks me to the back to the where the kitchen is. I meet the chef, and in that moment I knew I had to do something, it was like this feeling in my Heart that I never felt before, that I found my calling that I never even thought of before.

And I asked him to teach me. And so he does, he teaches me how to make all kinds of food. From jellyfish jelly salad, To fresh Blorpberry Pie. And when he was finished teaching me everything he knew? I left. I went on a journey, learning under different chefs and improving my craft, coming up with recipes that I've never made before while improving old ones as well.

One day, and one of the planets of one of the chefs I'm working under at the time is getting invaded by Lord hater. And I knew. I knew I had to bring the flavors, bring the variety, to bring and share the taste of the different and unique food type at to my fellow Watchdogs. And so I get back on the ship, and I see that there's a vacancy for head chef, and then I applied." He finishes his long paragraphs of words as he answer the question posed to him by Andy.

Andy: "Thank you for telling me, and all of my viewers at home your story. one last question, since your answer took a good amount of time. Why a buffet style meal this year? Usually most of the time we just get a slice of cake along with whatever meals being served that day."

Chef Watchdog: " the reason I chose the buffet style meal is to show the rest of the Watch Dogs what we're capable of, to show if we can put this much effort into making their food, they can put that much effort into working for Lord Hater."

Andy: "And that's it for now,Next Episode We meet the Manger of The Armory, here on Eye On the Skull Ship, the only show for Watchdogs, about Watchdogs, by a Watchdog, for Watchdogs. I am your humble host, Andy the Watchdog, and Have a Swell Day!" He says as he waves toward the camera, as the screen starts to Fade to black.

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