Critter Room

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After Sam gave the tour, there were children, but they greeted the cast as they learned boundaries. The children went off to leave them be, they were now walking around outside after Sam called imani over. Everyone was having a conversation of their own until someone yelled imanis name behind the group, so they all truned to the spruce and saw a couple of boys.

Rick: Yo Imani, look what we got you a toy care perfect for your size ( laughing because they are making fun of how short she is)

Imani turns slowly and with no reaction walks up to the car and just jumps in and starts driving, Imani was just driving around while everyone else looked at her.

Imani: AHAHA BEEP BEEP BITCH (the boys run off as she chases them) MOVE BITCH GET OUT MY WAY (sticks tongue out as she laughs)

Everyone was now watching Imani chase the boys in her car so they dont get run over, after that Imani jumped out and landed on her feet as the car was on auto pilot. Imani just laughs as she walks back where everyone else is, the cast and some staff just looked at her.

Imani: and thats why you never make fun of short people( laughs evilily)

Imani looks back towards the group as they stared at her

Imani: what? thats not a toy car, its a real car just in the shape of a toy car 

Dina: why?

Imani: why not? (smirks) I have more than one

Imani walks off, and everyone follow for some reason. They went  back inside as Imani walked to a room door and walked in. Everyone followed the cast, and the staff was shocked as the room was filled with all sorts of critters and how big the room was.

Juile: wow look at all the critters, where they come from

Sam: they come from everywhere, they come on their own or are sent here

Sally: why

Sam: some are sent her if they have no home which usually gets repaired or because of medical issues

Imani: yall enjoy yourselves

Everyone enjoyed themselves except Wally since he was skeptical of humans. Imani noticed him and asked if he like dogs, he said yes. Imani made a sound that fit the atren4ion of a dog. Wally looked where she looking at and saw a dog with the tiniest legs trying to run towards them. Wallys eyes went big and he started to cooed at the dog as he pets it.

After a bit a sound ringed, Imani was leaving the room. Everyone followed, they arrived outside as Imani put her shades on her head.

Imani: alright I'm headed out

Wally: where to

Imani: to pick up the kids

Wally: can I tag along

Imani: let's ride

Bothe Wally and Iman jumped in the car that looks like one of the toy cars. Imani handed Wally sun glasses 

Staff: you can't drive with that on the road

Both Imani an Wally looked at the person then looked at each other than back at that person. They then tilted there heads up and down making their sun glasses drop in front of their eyes. Imani drove off not caring

Same: no one can keep Imani from doing that so she drives what she wants, she's a diva of a queen/ empress

With Imani and Wally...
Wally: so, they let you drive this

Imani: yeeup

Imani and Wally talked the entire way, they arrived at the School and picked the little ones up. Imani introduced the little ones to Wally and the kids were happy to meet him. They then went to get Starbucks

Wally: wats Starbucks

Imani:(hlgasps) you've never had Starbucks, no no no we will not have that (orders Starbucks)

Imani got a bunch of Starbucks for them and the cast and staff. She handed them to the kids and explained that one has ice power and the other has fire power.

Imani: they want to keep practicing, so I usually give them something. Oh and this is candy (human) max(puppet), dolly(puppet, and jace(human)

Imani hander Wally a  cappuccino that has apple in it. He tried it and melted as he was relaxed into the seat. They made it back to the house and imani got all the drinks, the kids went off as Wally and Imani went to find the others. 

First was Frank he was in the butterfly room which has a hidden tunnel that leads outside to the butterfly garden. Once he was told by Imani he followed her and wally to the tunnel, they were outside with the butterflies and then went to the next friend. They took another tunnel that led to a room that was a ginormous kitchen with everything needed and poppy was there, Imani showed her the tunnels that lead to other kitchens. The four of them then went to find the rest of the friends by taking a hidden passage that led them to Eddie, he was in a milk room that gets things delivered and organized Imani showed him tunnels to other milk rooms. After wards the five of them went to find more of the friends and arrived to a room where howdy was in, the room that would be like a store but was in construction at the moment and howdy wanted to help. Imani showed him passageways to get here if he ever wants to come back and help. All six of them continued the journey to find the rest of the gang, they came to a theater sized room where julie was and imani showed her all the passaged ways and tunnels. They went to the next friend and found Barnaby making jokes and stuff with others he was showed tunnels then every left. Everyone went to find the las of the gang by going through the tunnels, they found Julie was in the room for plants. Imani showed her how to access all the tunnels and passageways to the other plant rooms. They were all outside now in front of the front door the gang enjoying their drinks as Sam told them thxs for coming feel free to stay around. At the end of the day the cast and staff had to leave

Fifth was Sally

and Sixth was Julie

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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