The Bank Robbery

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Little tiny disclaimer : nrrd now takes place the year Reginald adopted the kids ♡


The quads (now triplets) we're watching TV when the news came on •

Dawn : seriously why did the news turn on!

The news lady - there had been a bank robbery at ------ there are guns and tons of hostages - some kids just entered the building wearing a weird mask and uniform theres 6 of them!

One of them is heading onto the roof!
- the camera points to number 1(luther) on the roof

News lady : he's grabbing-

Luther then chucks him through the glass and jumps down with him •

The cameras inside the bank are showing number 3 (Allison) rumoring one of the bad guys she says :: " I heard a rumor you shot your friend in the foot "

The man then shoots the other guy In the foot and the man screams in pain as his foot bleeds out to death .

The man who hasen't been shot gets on the counter number five (five/Nicky) spatial jumps in front of him

The other umbrellas are saying things like
-be careful up there, or wouldn't want you to get hurt '

the man then starts to shoot at were Nicky/five was sitting he then spatial jumps behind him

The man turns behind him and ties to shoot him, his gun had been replaced by a stapler -
"That's one badass stapler! "
Five/nicky then hits him with the stapler and his head bleeds

Ricky : did Nicky just swear??!! He's 13 he can't say stuff like that!

Time skip to when the news ended

Dicky : so Nicky is apart of this umbrella Academy thing?

Dawn : finally you said something correct.

Anne and Tom walk in*

Anne : did you three see the news??

Dawn : yeah we did mom I can't believe Nicky was apart of a crime scene he's like a hero!

The next day...

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