From Small Beginnings

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At the GS champions park, A shooting drill was taking place for the strikers and midfielders. 
A through ball to the attacker or midfielder would have to get passed one defender and the score on the keeper. 

F/N L/N was known for his attacking and drive when in front of go and it showed even more today. Ever tap of the ball made the defence break down and find space and every shot was unstoppable. 

Chan-Hee Han a man would suppled F/N with countless goals this and last season passed the ball to F/N who was quickly tracked down by Su-Il Park who was met by a Cruyff turn from F/N leaving him on his ass and letting F/N charge at Goal. The keeper would come off his line and try to grab the ball only for F/N to lean and chip the ball over the keeper and into the net. leading to teammates and coaches to react with woos and damns 

Coach: "Football Training done for the day, now for the gym" One of the coaches said in korean (I am not trusting google translate so when text is Bold they are speaking Korean)

As pats, handshakes were given F/N felt a tap on his shoulder, He turned to see the Goalkeeper he just scored against 

Keil: "You gonna do me like that uce?"

F/N smiled at the man known as Fetu Keil. He was the same age as F/N and they both joined FC Seoul 3 years ago. Keli was an American from California, Raised in Samoa, He joined Seoul after being loaned out from LA Galaxy but ended up joining on a contract with Seoul

F/N: "How you gonna be prepared if I go easy on you uce?" F/N said in a light hearted tone

Keil: "Alright, ok i get it. But somethings different about you?" F/N continue walking with as he took a drink of water from his bottle as the duo approached the exit from the field
Keil wasn't F/N was always a ball of energy, hyping up his teammates and have a laugh but he was in the zone today , extra focused  "Is it the Unity Cup thing?" F/N look at Keli told him everything "Still looking to redeem yourself?" with a strong emphasis on redeem as he smirked

F/N: "Its not just that. What happened that night haunts me, the looks, the hate and what the team did and said. That day i made a promise to myself that i will be undeniable one day and make them eat those worlds." He stopped and turned to Keil "And what better way to do that then be a inaugural winner of that cup" with a sly smile and a smile from Keil

Keil: "Not if i win it first Uce" The two best friends laughed and went to the gym and continued the day

On a plane

Serena was watching a match on her laptop as she awaited to arrive at her destination. The match was England U17 vs USA U17 for the U17 world cup. She scanned this match deeply and taking mental notes looking for a good fit for her team 

???: "His win rate, goals and stats are beyond average and by looking at his style he does line up with our team especially with me, Grealish and Sterling I'd say" Serena would pause the video and look up to the voice coming from the seat opposite her

Weigman: "Yes but also his passion screams at every match, its what has made him a first team pick, fan chanting his name and a dangerous aura his offence sense. He has been outspoken when it came to the defence of the Seoul women's team so he will treat the entire team as equals, He can not only bring this team together but draw support from the fans and make the team's morale high.......And he also has something to prove like you girls did at the Euros" Serena said confidently as she looked at the owner of the voice.

Lucy Bronze
Currently playing for the Barcelona Women's team. Has Played for Man City, Lyon, Liverpool and more.  A multi time FA WSL Winner, 2 time FA Cup Winner, A England regular, Winner of the Euros 2022, 2 time PFA player of the year and that's just scratching the surface.

Lucy nodded, she was known for bringing the best out of people and being a leader. A leader she thought, Serena made a choice. She could have either picked Leah Williamson or Kane to be captain but she went with Bronze based on the fact that this Mixed England Team is gonna need someone to pull them together and Lucy has that aura to do so. She thought on what Serena said, She saw the stories when researching the young male who was nicknamed "Zombie" The women's team for FC Seoul weren't even being trained at the official grounds for FC Seoul. It wasn't until F/N threaten to leave the club if they didn't change this and even making the older and young players stand behind him spoke clearly that he is respected by the team. 

But Serena was right, He has something to prove. This new team does, The men and women of the team especially when its England and a international cup. Hell every Footballer does but they way Serena said it made it sound like more was going on with him

She looked at his profile and Picture
F/N "The Zombie" L/N
Nationality: English with Portuguese blood on father side 

Lucy couldn't but compare that but to herself as she was half Portuguese on her dad's side

F/N was given the nickname Zombie by Seoul faithful for his repeated last minute goals and comebacks in game when his team are down basically "Bringing Seoul back from the dead" The Nickname got popular as the crowd would sing "Zombie" by Cranberries 

Lucy found this part cool and wondered if he did improve hearing the English sing this in Wembley would be cool to see and hear

Idols : (Your own football Idols add whoever), Geoff Hurst and Lucy Bronze.

Lucy took a double take, This lad looked up to her? Its not every day you see a grown male footballer say they look up to a female footballer. She be lying if she wasn't getting more curious and interested 

The duo felt a shift on the plane signalling that they were near their destination they look outside to see the vibrant city of Seoul, the scenery was breath taking and even they were on business they looked forward to seeing the city. 

Lucy: "Thank you for bringing me along again Serena" Lucy said sincerely to her manager who returned it with a smile

Serena: "No problem, Just enjoy the the days and don't forget when we meet L/N to make him feel welcomed like we talked about" Bronze nodded as she remembered the conversation from a earlier on the plane about making F/N feel welcomed and not pressured. She didn't go into detail but Serena mentioned that F/N may have a mixed reaction when they approach him. This reminded Lucy to look up F/N more when she can 


Lucy would look down at her phone receiving a message in the Lionesses WhatsApp group, the girls were talking about the Unity Cup and were guessing who would get picked since team sheets for the first exhibition game haven't been released. They were excited, ready to play, to prove.

Serena replayed the video she was watching 

Commentator on video: "Now a sub for the England Team on comes the leading goal scorer of the tournament F/N L/N" A young F/N steps out onto the pitch ready to play. 

The duo glanced outside to see a billboard advertising a match they would be in attendance for A derby match between to powerhouses of Seoul football 

With a face to face between 2 footballers 
on Bluewings side Lee Ki-je and on the Fc Seoul side was F/N L/N

Serena looked at the young F/N and back to the billboard that had a grown F/N on it

He is the missing piece she said to herself 

End of chapter

hope you guys enjoying, low key so hard tryna writer a football story XD

feedback is helpful too

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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