Drunk makeouts

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In their late 16

Dazais Pov:

I was called by multiple port mafia members mostly Kouyou, to go fetch Chuuya from the bar, apparently he could hardly walk. I didn't know whether to go deal with that or finish the mission Mori sent me on. Whatever one I didn't do I would still get in trouble for. But if I didn't do the mission Mori would- nevermind... Im gonna finish the mission quickly. After I was done my clothes were all bloodied, and I was exhausted. I drove to the bar Kouyou had told me about. I walked in and lone behold, Chuuya is drunk off his ass.

"Dazai! Hurry take him away".
Kouyou demanded, pushing him my way, I sat him down in a nearby chair.

"What happened?".
I asked, stepping closer to Kouyou, she had spilled wine on her sleeves and looked disgusted.

"He kept trying to hug everyone, he spilled his wine on me... take him back to his apartment so he can rest, please...".

"Oookay! Chuuya! Ah- where'd he go...".
I mumbled, when I turned around he was nowhere to be seen. I looked at the bar counter over in the other corner, he was drinking again. I ran up to him, putting a hand on the back of his chair and a hand on the bottom.

"Its time to go Chuuya".
I glared, grabbing his jacket. He grabbed my face grinning at me before kissing me multiple times. I pulled away, pushing his chair over, I covered my face, walking back over to Kouyou who was giggling.

"You take him!".
I shouted, my face was beat red.

"I'll carry him there if you deal with him afterwards".
She grinned, standing up.

I mumbled, taking my keys out of my pocket. As she walked over to Chuuya who was still on the ground. I waited outside, seeing her come out, holding Chuuya in her arms. She put him in the back before getting in the passenger seat. I started driving, I couldn't get the thought of him kissing me multiple times. I felt my face heat up again. When we arrived she brought him to the door, handing him off to me then going down to wait for me. I searched around in his pockets, finally finding his house key in the back pocket. I unlocked the door, turning the light on. I went to his bedroom, and laid him down. I set his keys on the table, turning to leave. He grabbed my hand before I got too far, pulling me back. I held myself up, over him. He pulled me down by my tie, kissing me again. He wrapped his arms around my neck, preventing me from leaving. Soon I gave up, kissing him back, there wasn't much I could do but kiss him. When he pulled away to breathe I couldn't help but blush. I mean, who wouldn't blush after just making out with one of their extremely close friends. He looked at me for a second, before kissing me again, this time he pushed my jacket off of me, and tried to unbutton my shirt. I pulled away, holding his hands at the third button. If anything happened both him and Kouyou would kill me in the morning, I didn't want to risk it, as bad as I wanted to, I couldn't. I pushed him back down, standing up. I buttoned the ones he unbuttoned and put my jacket back on. My phone started ringing which made me jump, it was Kouyou. I answered, turning his bedroom light off and walking out, he already fell asleep.

"What're you doing".
She asked, I could tell she was grinning by the tone of her voice.

I mumbled, I couldn't get the thought of his hands on my body out of my head.

"Are you coming anytime soon or do I need to call a Taxi?".
She teased, following with a chuckle.

"Dont be like that... I'm coming".
I sighed, turning the lights off that I had already turned on. I took a couple steps back, looking into the dark bathroom, I grinned seeing a shelf.

"I'll be down in a minute..".
I smiled, hanging up.I turned the light on. It was a pill cabinet, I knew he took meds but what I needed to know is how many I needed to take for it to kill me. I stepped up to the shelf looking through all the different pills. They were all in really small amounts, none had enough for me to kill myself with. Unless I took them all. I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around seeing Chuuya in the doorway, glaring.

"I keep them in small amounts for this exact reason".
He sighed, leaning on the door frame.

"You- you weren't drunk were you...".
I mumbled, putting the peices together, he was never drunk, he only pretended.

"Only a little, but it looks like you finally figured it out".
He smiled, stepping closer to me. I assumed he could see my face getting red. He put his arms around my neck before pushing me against the wall, kissing me again. I didn't try to pull away or do anything, I let it happen, kissing him back.

Chuuyas Pov:

I felt his hand run up my side, his hands were cold but soft. I hoped this was enough proof for him, to show that I was inlove with him. I had been planning this for weeks, I never told a single soul about it. Before I knew what happened we were already back in my bedroom. His hand ran put my shirt again, pausing on my lower stomach.------      When I woke up I couldn't remember what happened, I looked down at the floor, realizing my clothes were on the ground, I swung the blanket off of me, all I had on was underwear. I looked around my room, nobody was there. At the end of the bed was Dazais jacket, I tried to remember what happened. I felt my face heat up realizing my plan had actually worked, it went on longer than I thought, with added things, but it worked. Dazai wasn't anywhere to be found, I assumed he had already left. I didn't want to go back to work, if I ran into Dazai at all, it would be awkward. I got dressed and ran out the door. With my keys in hand. I smiled, the thought of my plan actually working, and it going well made me happy. I pulled up to the Headquarters, walking inside. I avoided Dazai at all costs and he did the same. We didn't say a word while passing in the hallways. At meetings we didn't say a word or even look in each others direction. Eventually Kouyou noticed and asked me about it.

"Chuuya, why won't you and Dazai talk to each other?".
She asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I- I dont know...?".
I mumbled, trying my best to lie even though I wasn't as good at lying as Dazai was.

"Did something happen last night? Because.... well Dazai never came back down, he was suppose to bring you home and then take me home".
She grinned, I knew that she knew what happened.

"I don-".
I tried saying before I was cut off by Dazai stepping in.

"We had a sleepover!".
He smiled, leaning on me, I didn't look at him but I nodded.

"Alright, if you say so".
She smiled, patting my head before walking away. Dazai turned to me, lifting my head up.

"Next time you can just ask if you wanted me that badly~".
He grinned, kissing me before walking off, his lips were soft. I didn't know how to feel or what to do. I leaned against the wall, my face was blazing. Sliding down the wall I covered my face, blushing. I didn't understand him or why he enjoyed embarrassing me.

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