05 : Conciliation

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[Song recommended : Love Sight by TXT]
..Ost of Doom at your service..

Jungwon's pov

We walked outside of the room side by side, holding hands with each other heading towards the garden in the restaurant situated opposite to the fountain near the entrance.

I noticed the garden when I was entering the said place, it is really pre-possessing and I think it's a suitable place right now to talk about our marriage, out in the fresh air to cool ourselves out from tension between us momentarily.

Currently we are in the garden seated on the bench, facing each other silently. Noone trying to start the conversation in between us as it's suddenly kinda awkward.

Ji looked brittle before exhaling a loud sigh like preparing herself before saying anything and decided to start a conversation first which I'm glad for.

"So... What's are your thoughts about this marriage proposal by our parents won ?"
Asked Ji timidly.

"As a matter of fact, I'm mystifyed about this whole thing. I hate to have to say this but never have I ever thought of marring you. You know ji, that I love someone else and see you as my precious best friend only." I replied legitimately.

Jia's pov

Subsequently hearing Jungwon so brutally honest, my heart stung a lot. Sometimes I just really detest his honesty and straight forwardness.

But as dejected as it sound, it's the reality of us that will not change. So, I gathered my little bit leftover courage, putting on a weak smile and said, " Honestly speaking Won, I don't know what to say to you but certainly I don't have the heart to say no to my parents. I genuinely don't want to see their saddened expressions and it's also the first time they have asked me for something. But on the other hand, I don't want to burden you with anything too, I know you are waiting for her. I'm disoriented at the moment."

Authentically Wanting to try a bit more and persuade him to changing his mind, I spoke out my heart's content about this matter. Maybe... Just maybe just this once I am being Selfish for myself and wants something to brew in between us. After all I don't have the heart to see him with someone else moreover longing for that someone, as selfish as that sounds.

Jungwon looked at me with a blank expression making me scared and my heart thumping from palpitation. Am I about to regret what I just poured out in front of him ? Please, God don't let it that be. His silence is giving me a damm headache right now.

After quite a while spending in silence almost making me take back my words as I was about to say something but he interrupted me and said instead, " I can understand what you are thinking. I have never seen my parents so happy for anything before as something like this.They looked so happy discussing about our marriage preparations already.They really wants me to get married that much huh.. It's true that I'm still waiting for her to comeback but I also don't want my parents to be Melancholic, they barely ask me for anything too."

Was he contemplating all this while, my heart almost leaped out of my chest from this heavy tension between us. Oh gosh !
Wait.. does that mean he agree to marry me ?

"So, do you agree to marry me won ?" I asked barely above a whisper softly.

"Yes..." he said approving and nodding his head frimly.

"But we need to make some rules like a Conciliations for this marriage, I hope you understand ji." Jungwon complete his sentence after a pause.

What's with him, giving me suspense after every half spoken sentences !? Ofcourse we need to make an settlement in between us for this loveless marriage to work. I love him, but he doesn't need to know that because he already gave his heart to someone else a long time ago and our feelings are not mutual either. Nevertheless the I'm over the clouds with happiness with this much too.

"Yes wonnie ,Don't you worry I'm fine with it. So, what are your conditions ?" I asked him rather neutrally from what I had expected from the fireworks bursting inside me continuously.

"First and foremost, I don't want you to be with someone who doesn't love you for a long time so, this marriage will last for 1 year. After that we will get divorced because I cherish your smile and I don't you to lost it while staying in this loveless marriage. Secondly, we will not change our behaviours with eachother unless we are in front of our parents and will act like an married couple only infront of them and other relatives. And if you find someone you love in the midst of our marriage, we can break off the marriage as I said your happiness matters. I Don't have other conditions, that's all . Do you have some, ypu can tell me." Jungwon said without an inch of hesitation, sincerity oozing out of his every word left from his mouth.

Now, how can I not love this man, when he is like this without even knowing that he is playing with the stings of my heart ever so often. I am so happy from hearing just a yes from him that I'm fine with any conditions like this. I really hope that this marriage can last for a eternity where I can be with him forever, but I know that it's not true. Sooner or later this beautiful dream of mine will come to an end.

But I will still cherish all the moments, I will spent with him in this span of one year of our marriage and will make sure to give him all my love & care thorough out the year , I still do.

" That's fine with me won. All the conditions you put forward will be applied to you too. I cherish your happiness over everything in this world too. So, let's do this for the sake of our parents happiness.I bet they will burst out in joy after this news." I said with determination chuckling afterwards imagining our parents reactions while placing my hands forward for him to hold.

He smiled fondly at me and locked his hands with mine and nodding his head, saying yes and we stood up to go back inside the restaurant to tell our parents our decision.

We walked off from there and went inside the room. It's feels like, a weight got lifted off from my shoulders.

Third person's pov

"What took you so long kids ? Have you two decided to agree or not to this marriage ?" Asked Mr. Yang when he saw the soon to be couple entering the room holding hands. With an playful smile, seemingly to know what's going to be the answer of the other two.

What he said caught the attention of the other olders as they diverted their attention to the said couple who now stood infront of them somewhat confidently .

"Yes Appa, your prediction is right. We agreed to marry eachother." Announced Jungwon with a small smile and Jia nodded smiling conforming that they both have their consents in this marriage.

Their parents faces broke out into blissful smiles after hearing their childrens decision. They started cheering and celebrating. They both are happy seeing their parents this much happy.Jungwon and Jia really didn't lie when they said their parents will be the most happy with their marriage and for the sake of their happiness they can atleast do this much right ?


Kuettt !!

That's all for this chapter, next is their engagement...
Get ready with petals to throw at their marriage soon, yerobun !✨

Byeee, have a nice day or night!!!

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