how it began

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y/n pov

my dad sat me down in the front room handing me a gun and knife. my mom left us a few years back said something about us holding her back in life "hey y/n are you listening?" my dad snapped me out of my day dream. i looked up at him a hint of fear in my eyes "um no sorry" he sighed clearly annoyed "just..stay here ill be back to get you in a bit" i looked at the tall man shocked "wait..wait where are you going?? please don't leave me.." he just shook his head "im going to get carl and lori wait here okay" i nodded and he walked out the house.

that was like a month or so ago im
starting to run out of food and i don't know how long im gonna last... today ill go out to find some more stuff hopefully i wont die.

as i walk down the road i see something or someone out the corner of my eye. i walk over to it carefully in case its one of those things. i then realises who's house im at..and whos sat outside it.."rick..?" the man looks up at me and sure as hell its him. i feel relief wash over me just i start to walk close when he gets hit over the head with a shovel "what the hell did you fo that for?!?" i yell at the kid who seems extremely proud of himself thats when i get hit in the back of the head with a gun and everything goes black...

i wake up in a random room dazed and confused i get up trying to push the feeling away and start to look around. i find rick talking to a man and boy who looks a tad older than me they haven't noticed me yet so i clear my throat and they all turn to me "hey y/n, tomorrow we're gonna go to the station clear it out..then we'll try and find our family" rick finally spoke softly i didn't really know what to say so i just nodded. he stood up patted my shoulder and told me to go get some rest.

i woke up and we went straight to the station i finally had a shower and im not gonna lie i did cry a few happy tears. what can i say ya girl loves her showers. rick taught morgan and duane how to shoot as i watched for some reason my dad taught me how to as soon as i could pick up a gun. we clear most of the guns and ammo out and part our ways. i honestly don't know how to feel about finding my dad again he did kind leave me but then again he is still my dad.

i was snapped out of my thoughts boy the car stopping i hear rick curse under his breath and get out the car i quickly followed not wanting to be left behind again, we walk
to the nearby gas station but just our luck no gas. rick sees a girl and tries to call her over but of course she's one of them. what did morgan call them? oh yeah walkers.
the kids a walker and is quite literally ready to eat us when rick shoots her...i haven't actually killed one yet..

we end up finding this farm type thing hoping they might have gas but no luck..they people inside were dead...
"they chose the eash way out" it came
out colder than expected and rick gave me a concerned look "y/n.." i had already started to walk away when i saw two horses "rick look" i pointed to them excitedly as rick walked over. maybe we're lucky after all.

right this is terrible and short im sorry if you
choose to read this hopefully it gets better right now its like 7:30 in the morning (uk time) and i haven't slept so yay but if you do like this can you let me know thank youuuu :)

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